Keck Family Recipes

Collected and Compiled by Terri Hamilton

Edited and Introduced by Brian Keck


This collection of recipes was gathered together over a period of many years by my sister, Terri Hamilton. The recipes come from members of my family, Keck family in-laws, and a few close friends and neighbors. Many of these recipes are traditional meals I ate when growing up, and they bring back fun and fond memories. Most of those dishes were developed by my mother, who had to feed eight children, but some of them go back to my grandmothers, Gladys (Woodford) Splinter and Toni Ann (Keen) Keck. Others are recipes which became traditional over time in my own family and in the families of my brothers and sisters.

Many of the recipes collected here were created in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, and some of them even go back to the 30s and 40s, therefore they may use ingredients that are not very common today or what we would consider not overly healthy. Ironically, my Grandma Splinter was very health conscious; when I used to stay with her as a very young boy, she would feed me dates, apricots, prune juice and all manner of other healthy fruits and vegetables -- which at the time I really didn't appreciate. Nevertheless, my mother, in a spirit of rebellion I suppose, always allowed us to eat sweet cereals, desserts at every meal and jello salads. Her reliance on quick and easy processed foods for meals was no doubt a result of having eight children and the need to be able to cook large amounts of food quickly and cheaply.

That's totally understandable. However, I, for one, am trying to eat better these days. Therefore I encourage you to replace ingredients with healthier alternatives. I know there is no way to make a “Scotcheroo” healthier, but I try to restrict the many awesome dessert recipes to the holiday season.

Terri did most of the work on this book, I simply proof-read the recipes, put them into a more or less homogeneous format, rearranged them a little, added a list of contributors and a table of contents, and added a few of my own favorite recipes that my own family enjoyed. I also digitized the recipes onto a computer, coded them into HTML and created the PDFs. The recipes can be read online, downloaded as a complete book in PDF format, or each individual recipe can be downloaded in PDF format. If I know who contributed the recipe, the name is given in the titles, if there is no name, the recipe is traditional and the origin is unknown. If you have recipes to contribute or any other comments, email me at I have not actually made all of these recipes myself, so it's possible there may be some problems with some of them, if so let me know. Thanks and Enjoy!

List of Contributors

Name Relationship
Barbara Keck Wife of Bryce Keck, Ransom Keck's youngest brother
Bea Jolly Pam (Jolly) Keck's grandmother
Brian Keck Son of Ransom Keck and Janette Splinter
Carol Gibbons Friend of the family in Mesa, Arizona
Cherrie Blake Friend of the family in Mesa, Arizona
Elva LeSueur Neighbor and friend of the family in Mesa, Arizona
Gladys (Woodford) Splinter Mother of Janette (Splinter) Keck
Hilda Venn-Watson Sister of Janette Keck, daughter of Gladys Splinter
Janette (Splinter) Keck Wife of Ransom Keck, daughter of Gladys Splinter
Judi(Keck)Baggiore Daughter of Ransom Keck and Janette Splinter
Kim Keck Daughter of Terri Keck
Lowell Hamilton Husband of Terri Keck
Melissa Hutton Wife of Brian Keck
Pam (Jolly) Keck Wife of David Keck, son of Ransom Keck and Janette Splinter
Patty Keck Wife of John Keck, son of Ransom Keck and Janette Splinter
Shirley Jolly Mother of Pam Keck
Shirley Runyan Friend of the family in La Mesa, California
Sylvia Saari Mother of Jim Baggiore, husband of Judi (Keck) Baggiore
Terri (Keck) Hamilton Daughter of Ransom Keck and Janette Splinter
Tracy Keck Daughter of Pam (Jolly) Keck


c. = cup(s)
lb. = pound(s)
oz. =ounce(s)
pkg. = packages(s)
qt. = quart(s)
t.= teaspoon(s)
T.= tablespoon(s)

Table of Contents

Jello Salads

The Recipes



All-Bran Muffins

Preheat oven to °400. Cream shortening and sugar thoroughly, add egg and beat well. Stir in all-bran and milk. Let soak until most of the moisture is taken up. Stir in flour, salt, and baking powder; add to first mixture and stir only until flour disappears. Fill greased muffin tins and bake for about 30 minutes. Makes 8 muffins.

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Azzip (Pam Jolly)

Super Easy Crust:

Preheat oven to °425. Stir ingredients together until mixture leaves sides of bowl. Press dough together to make a ball and knead 10 times to make smooth. Divide dough in half and press into 2 sprayed pans (I use jelly roll pans, but round ones or even cookie sheets work fine). Top with tomato sauce (about 8 oz. per pan), sprinkle with ¾ t. each oregano and basil. Salt, pepper, and garlic to taste. Add toppings (see below) and bake 10 to 15 minutes or until it's done the way your family likes it.

Almost-As-Easy Crust:

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Stir in remaining ingredients and beat about 20 strokes. (It will be very sticky). Rest 5 to 10 minutes. (This transforms it into a pliable dough). Knead together just a couple times and press out onto greased or sprayed pan. Some like it very thin--others prefer thick. You can top and bake right away, but my family prefers the following method. Prick dough with fork and bake 7 to 10 minutes until golden brown. Then add toppings and rebake 7 to 15 minutes. Crust is crispier this way.

AZZIP Toppings:

“Homemade pizza never tastes like the “real thing” at your favorite pizza place, so David and the kids felt like they were getting second best when I made it from scratch. Melanie Moore suggested we call it something different to eliminate the comparison problem. That worked and everybody likes AZZIP (pizza spelled backwards) -- as long as we don't pretend it's “real” pizza!”

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Banana Oatmeal Muffins

Preheat oven to °375. Combine the oats, flour, salt, and sugar in a bowl. Lightly beat the egg yolks and stir in the hot milk. Beat until very light and thick. Beat in the oil, vanilla, and mashed banana. Sprinkle dry ingredients over the yolk mixture and fold in gently. Beat the egg whites until stiff but not dry and fold into batter. Spoon into oiled muffin tins until they are ⅔ full. Bake 30 minutes or until golden and done. Cool on a rack. Makes about 20 muffins.

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Blueberry Muffins

Preheat the oven to °400. In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, salt, sugar, baking powder and yeast. Stir in enough milk to make a stiff dough. Stir in the oil, eggs and blueberries. Spoon into oiled muffin tins so that they are ⅔ full. Bake 30 minutes or until done. Makes about 3 dozen 2" muffins.

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Cinnamon Buns (Bea Jolly)


Preheat oven to °350. Combine milk, sugar, salt and margarine; mix and cool to lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water; add to milk mixture. Add eggs and blend well. Add 1 c. flour; blend in and beat well or until dough becomes elastic. Mix in last 2 c. of flour until it forms a soft sticky ball. Cover, let rise in warm place until dough doubles. Turn out on well-floured surface, knead a few times until smooth. Roll to ½" thickness. Cut into small biscuits (a small tomato paste can with ends removed is a good size), dip each in margarine and then in sugar mix. Place coated side up in well buttered pan (a 9” x 11” pan holds about 20 biscuits). Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown. Best eaten hot. Scraps can be spread in small buttered pan; pour melted butter over them and sprinkle with sugar mixture; let rise and bake.

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Corn Bread (Janette Keck)

Preheat oven to °400. Mix dry ingredients in mixing bowl, set aside. Beat egg and add milk and oil in another large mixing bowl. Add dry ingredients, stir just enough to moisten. Pour into an 8” x 8” greased baking dish. Bake 30 minutes.

“In the Keck family, corn bread was traditionally eaten by crumbling it into a breakfast bowl, topping with brown sugar and raisins, and pouring cold milk over it. Others would slice the warm corn bread in half, butter each piece and cover them with maple syrup or honey.”

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Indian Puffy Bread -- Pooris -- (Brian Keck)

Put the flours and salt into a mixing bowl. Drizzle the 2 T. of oil over the top. Rub the oil in with fingertips until the mixture feels like bread crumbs. Slowly pour water into the mixture until it forms a stiff ball of dough. Place the ball on a clean work space and knead it for 10 to 12 minutes until smooth. Form it into a ball again, rub ¼ t. oil onto the ball and place it into a plastic storage bag. Seal the bag and let it sit for 30 minutes.

Pour vegetable oil into a wok or deep frying pan until it is about 1" deep. Heat over medium hear until it is very hot.

After the 30 minutes, knead dough again and divide it into 12 equal portions. Flatten each portion with a rolling pin until it is very thin (perhaps about ⅛" thick). Carefully slide the thin dough down the edge of the wok into the oil. It will rise to the top and sizzle for a few seconds then will puff up like a balloon. When it has finished puffing, flip it and cook the other side for about 10 seconds. Remove it from the oil with a slotted spoon and place it on a plate lined with paper towels. Serve them hot with butter, honey, maple syrup, etc.

“My kids loved this bread because it not only tasted good but they liked to watch it puff up when it cooked.”

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Pizza (Patti Keck)



Preheat oven to °400. Dissolve yeast in warm water in large mixing bowl. Stir in sugar, salt, oil and 2 c. flour to make dough easy to handle. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface, knead until smooth, about 5 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turn greased side up. Cover; let rise in warm place 45 minutes. Dough is ready if an indentation remains when touched.

Mix ingredients, prepare pizza crusts by splitting dough into two portions, roll and spread out on pizza pans. Add sauce (half onto each crust). Sprinkle with sausage, hamburger, pepperoni, ham or whatever suits your taste. Sprinkle grated mozzarella cheese over top or a combination of mozzarella and cheddar cheese. Bake for about 20 minutes.

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Pizza Crust (Judi Baggiore)

Preheat oven to °375. Put warm water in a bowl. Combine 2 c. flour, yest and salt, add to water. Gradually add remaining flour to moderately stiff dough. Knead 4 minutes until smooth. Place in greased bowl and turn. Divide into 2 pieces. Makes 2 pizza crusts. Lightly grease pizza pan or whatever you are using. Roll out dough to fit pan. Put on tomato sauce and toppings. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes.

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Preheat oven to °475. Beat eggs thoroughly, add milk, then sifted dry ingredients. Add shortening. Beat smooth with rotary beater. Fill greased cups half full. Bake for 15 minutes, then lower temperature to °350 and bake until firm. Total baking time: 30 to 35 minutes. Two or three minutes before removing from oven, prick to let steam escape. Makes 6 to 8 popovers.

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Spicy Apple-Carrot Muffins

Preheat oven to °400. In a large bowl, combine the milk solids, baking powder, salt, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, and flour. Combine the honey, oil and eggs and stir into dry ingredients. Fold in the apple and carrot. Spoon into oiled muffin tins. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until done. Makes about two dozen medium-sized muffins.

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White Bread from Scratch (Terri Hamilton)

Preheat oven to °400. In a pot, scald milk. Add sugar, salt and butter. Cool. In a large bowl, add yeast to warm water. Stir in milk mixture. Add 3 c. flour. Beat vigorously until well blended and dough is soft. Place on floured board. Knead until smooth. Shape into a ball. Place in bowl. Cover. Let stand until dough is twice its size. Divide dough evenly. Place each half into a greased loaf pan. Cover, let stand for an hour. Bake for 30 minutes. Use a toothpick to test for doneness. Remove from pan. Put loaves on wire rack. Wait 10 minutes before slicing. Makes 2 loaves.

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Yogurt Muffins

Preheat oven to °375. Combine the eggs and yogurt. Beat in the oil and molasses. Sift together the flour, soy flour, and salt. Add the egg mixture to the dry ingredients and stir until just moistened. Stir in raisins and nuts. Fill oiled muffin tins ⅔ full. Bake 20 minutes or until done. Makes about 1 dozen muffins. Note: these muffins have no raising agent and will be compact in texture.

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Chocolate Diamonds (Janette Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. Cream shortening, brown sugar, and vanilla, add egg and beat well. Mix dry ingredients together and add to creamed mixture, mix well. Stir in chocolate chips. Spread in 11” x 7” x 1½” dish. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Cut into diamond shapes while warm. Makes about 2 dozen.

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Hamburger Bun Cookies (Barbara & Kim Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. Make cake as directed using 2 eggs, but only ½ or less of the amount of water, to create a "cookie dough consistency." Beat well. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto a cookie sheet and bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Make the frosting of your choice, and put filling between two cookies so that it looks like a hamburger in a bun.

"Kimberleigh, Dennis, Kathy, and Tony -- children of Bryce and Barbara Keck -- used to beg Grandma (Toni) Keck to make these for them when they lived next door to her in Nampa, Idaho."

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M&M Cookies (Janette Keck)

Preheat oven to °375. Blend shortening and sugars. Beat in vanilla and eggs. Sift dry ingredients. Add to sugar and egg mixture. Mix well. Stir in most of the M & M's -- reserve some for decoration. Drop from teaspoon onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Decorate tops by pressing in reserved M & M's. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes. Makes 6 dozen cookies.

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Magic Cookies (Lynn Venohr, 1969)

Preheat oven to °350. Melt butter in a 13” x 9” baking dish and add graham cracker crumbs, chopped nuts, chocolate and butterscotch chips and coconut. Pour the condensed milk over all of the ingredients in the dish. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Cut into bars.

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Molasses Crinkles

Preheat oven to °375. Cream first four ingredients, stir in flour. Add spices. Spoon into balls and roll in sugar. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

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Mothers Christmas Sugar Cookies (Janette Keck)

Traditional Butter Frosting:

Preheat oven to °350. mix all ingredients together, roll on floured board. Cut into shapes. Bake for 5 minutes.

Frosting: Blend butter, vanilla and half the sugar. Beat in the remaining sugar. Add milk or cream gradually, adding just enough to make a smooth frosting of good spreading consistency. Add different colors of food coloring. Makes enough for about 2 dozen cookies.

"As far back as I can remember, we always made these cookies the day before Christmas. We would give them to friends, eat them, and we always left one on a plate for Santa Claus every Christmas eve. To me they came to represent the Christmas season and I continued that tradition with my own kids."

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Mrs Fields Cookie Recipe (Barbara Keck)




Preheat oven to °375. Mix all ingredients together and add a 24 oz. bag of chocolate chips, one 8 oz. Hershey Bar (grated--easier to grate if frozen first), and your choice of 3 c. chopped nuts. Bake on ungreased cookie sheets. Make golf ball sized cookies, place 2" apart, and bake for 6 minutes.

NOTE: To make flatter cookies, flatten with a spatula after 5 minutes, then bake for 3 minutes more. Makes 100 to 115 cookies.

"This recipe originally cost $250.00!!!! An O.R. Nurse (who shall remain nameless) at Silby Hospital in Washington, D.C., noticed an ad for “Mrs. Field's Cookie Recipe” and decided to call the listed number. The person answering the call said yes, it was the authentic recipe and there would be a two-fifty charge for it and she could pay by check or, to make things simpler, just use her credit card. She charged it, only to find out, when her credit card statement arrived, that the price of the recipe was TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS!!!

Irate, she called the advertised number again, demanding a refund charging misleading information and deceitful practice, but to no avail. Because of this, you are the recipient of “Mrs. Field's Cookie Recipe,” as this nurse promised the person on the phone that very day that she would see to it that the entire population of the United States, and possibly the world, would receive a copy of her recipe.

This recipe has come to you free of charge, and as fair and due consideration, you are asked to take this copy, go to the nearest copy center, make lots of copies, and send them to all your friends and enemies. It's a small price to pay for this truly expensive recipe!!!!"

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No Bake Cookies (Shirley Runyan, 1956)

Mix first five ingredients in a large saucepan. Boil 1 minute (a scant minute), stirring constantly, take off stove and stir in 3 c. quick oats. Add chopped nuts and coconut if desired, and vanilla.

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Original Nestles Toll House Cookies

Preheat oven to °375. In small bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt; set aside. In large bowl, combine butter, sugar, brown sugar and vanilla. Beat until creamy. Beat in eggs. Gradually add flour mixture, mix well. Stir in chocolate morsels and nuts. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Makes about 100 cookies.

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Peanut Butter Cookies

Preheat oven to °375. Mix shortening, peanut butter, sugars, and egg thoroughly. Measure flour. Blend all dry ingredients; stir in. Chill. Roll into balls the size of large walnuts. Place 3" apart on baking sheet. Flatten with fork dipped in flour to make a crisscross pattern. Bake 10 to 12 minutes. Makes about 3 dozen cookies.

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Refrigerator Cookies (Janette Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. Mix ingredients thoroughly and divide into two parts to form two rolls on wax paper or plastic wrap. Makes two rolls. Refrigerate or freeze and slice thin to bake. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.

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Stir and Drop Sugar Cookies

Preheat oven to °350. Beat eggs with fork. Add vegetable oil and vanilla. In separate bowl mix dry ingredients. Blend in eggs, oil and vanilla. Drop onto an ungreased cookie sheet. Grease the bottom of a glass. Dip it in sugar and flatten cookies before baking. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Frost if desired.

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Bess Truman's Special Brownies (Hilda Venn-Watson, 1982)

Preheat oven to °350. Cream ½ c. butter with 1 c. sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla, beat. Blend in chocolate or cocoa. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in flour mixture and nuts. Bake in a well-greased 8” pan for 25 minutes.

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Brownies (Tracy Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. Combine all ingredients, bake in 13" x 9" pan for less than 30 minutes. Do not overbake.

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Butter Cake with Hot Vanilla Sauce (Janette Keck)


Vanilla Sauce:

Cake: preheat oven to °350. Grease and flour 8” x 8” x 2” pan. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt, set aside. Beat butter, sugar, egg, and vanilla at high speed about 3 minutes or until light and fluffy. Add flour mixture alternating with milk, mix at low speed, beginning and ending with flour. Scrape bowl frequently. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 35 to 40 minutes, check for doneness with toothpick.

Sauce: combine sugar, cornstarch, and salt in sauce pan. Stir in boiling water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until sauce is thickened and clear. Cook 3 minutes longer. Remove from heat; add butter and vanilla. Makes 2 c. Cut cake, put into a bowl, pour sauce over cake.

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Chocolate Cheese Cake (Patty Keck)

Mix flour, butter, and nuts, and spread on bottom of 9” x 13” pan. Bake at °350 for 15 minutes. Cool. Mix cream cheese and powdered sugar, add 3 envelopes of dream whip (mixed according to package instructions), spread over bottom layer in pan. Mix milk and pudding mix, stir for 1 minute. Spread over two previous layers. Top with dream whip (mixed) and nuts.

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Coffee Cake (tracy Keck)


Preheat oven to °350. Mix sugar, shortening, and eggs thoroughly; add milk. Mix dry ingredients together and stir in apples. Sprinkle with topping. Bake for 30 minutes or until well done.

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Lemon Pudding Cake (Tracy Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks and set aside. Beat yolks and blend in peel, juice, and milk; then sugar, flour, and salt. Beat until smooth, fold into whites. Pour in ungreased 1 qt. Casserole dish. Bake in pan with 1” hot water for 45 to 50 minutes.

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Pink Lemonade Cake

Prepare cake mix according to package directions; bake in 2 9” x 1½” round cake pans. Cool. Stir ice cream to soften; quickly stir in the red food coloring and ½ c. of the lemonade concentrate. Spread evenly another round cake pan (same size as cake). Freeze 2 to 3 hours, till firm. Place one cake layer on serving plate; add ice cream layer and top with second cake layer. Whip cream with the remaining lemonade concentrate and the sugar till stiff. Frost sides and top of cake; trim with rosebud (decorative) candy mints. Return to freezer for at least 1 hour or till served.

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Poke Cake

Use a regular size yellow cake mix (not pudding cake). Make cake as directed in a 13” x 9” dish. Cool. Add 1 ½ c. boiling water to 1 large jello and stir in 1 can soda. Cool. Poke holes in the cake and pour jello mixture over cake. Top with whipped cream. Put in refrigerator.

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Sunshine Cake (Janette Keck)

Preheat oven to °325. Beat the egg yolks until thick (about 5 minutes). Gradually beat in sugar, then the flour, slowly, alternating with the extracts and cold water. In a large bowl, beat egg whites plus cream of tartar and salt. Gradually beat in 1 c. sugar. Mix egg yolk mixture gradually into whites, pour into angel food cake pan and cut through with a knife for air bubbles. Bake for 60 to 65 minutes. Invert until cool.

“Mother's favorite for birthdays.”

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Texas Sheet Cake (Elva LeSueur)


Preheat oven to °400. Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and baking soda in a bowl. Bring 2 sticks butter, 4 T. cocoa and water just to a boil on the stove, pour hot mixture into dry ingredients. Beat in buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla. Mix well and pour in greased and floured 13” x 9” pan. Bake for 30 minutes.

Frosting: bring to boil butter, cocoa, and milk, then mix in box of powdered sugar, vanilla and nuts. Frost cake. Alternate idea: Make cake as above. As soon as done, sprinkle on a layer of frozen miniature marshmallows and spread warm frosting on top in a 9” x 13” dish.

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Velvet Crumb Cake

Preheat oven to °350. Grease and flour an 8” x 8” x 2” square pan. Mix Bisquick and sugar. Add butter, egg, ¼ c. of the milk. Beat 1 minute at medium speed with an electric mixer or vigorously by hand. Stir in gradually the remaining milk and vanilla. Beat ½ minute more. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 35 to 40 minutes. Serve with broiled topping (see below) or with other toppings, if desired.

Broiled Topping: mix 3 T. soft butter, ⅓ c. brown sugar, 2 T. cream, ½ c. coconut, ¼ c. chopped nuts. Spread on bake cake while it is still warm. Place about 3” under broiler until nicely browned, about 3 minutes.

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Waldorf Red Velvet Cake (Carol Gibbons)

Preheat oven to °350. Cream shortening, sugar and eggs. Make a paste of food coloring and cocoa and add to mixture. Add buttermilk alternately with flour and salt. Add vanilla. Lastly, fold in baking soda and vinegar. Beat as any other cake recipe. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes in two 9” cake pans. Cool and split layers making 4 layers. Ice with whipped cream icing.

Whipped Cream Icing: make a thick paste from 4 T. flour and milk, let cool. Beat in separate bowl with mixer for 4 minutes: butter, shortening, sugar and dash of salt. Add cooled paste and 3 t. vanilla, beat for 4 more minutes.

“The story that goes with this recipe claims that a guest at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York was served this cake and requested the recipe from the chef. He was supposed to have GIVEN her his secret recipe, but sent her a bill for $5,000.00. The woman paid the bill, but was so enraged she swore to share his “secret” recipe with everyone.”

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Creamy Chocolate & Bourbon Pie (Brian Keck)




Preheat oven to °350. In a medium bowl, toss all crust ingredients with a fork until crumbs are moist. Spoon mixture into a 9” pie pan; pat into bottom and side. Bake crust for 10 minutes. Cool, cover and refrigerate until chilled.

Combine marshmallows and evaporated milk in a 3 qt. saucepan over medium heat. Cook until marshmallows melt, about 10 minutes, stirring often. Do not boil. Cool slightly; cover and refrigerate 1 hour. In a medium bowl, with an electric mixer, beat whipping cream and bourbon until medium-stiff peaks form. Fold pecans into the chilled marshmallow mixture. Fold in whipped cream until blended.

Pour filling into chilled crust; smooth top. Cover and refrigerate until set, about 4 hours.

Meanwhile, in medium bowl, beat 1 pt. Whipping cream, powdered sugar, and vanilla until stiff peaks form. Spread on chilled pie, top with grated chocolate.

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Fresh Strawberry Pie (Patty Keck)

Crush 1 c. of the smaller berries and cook with water about 2 minutes; sieve. Combine sugar and cornstarch; stir into berry juice. Cook and stir till clear, about 2 minutes. Add food coloring. Place half the berries in pastry shell; pour half the sauce over the berries. Repeat with remaining berries and sauce. Chill. Serve with whipped cream.

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Fudge Sundae Pie

Combine the ¼ c. corn syrup, brown sugar, and butter in a medium saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until mixture begins to boil. Remove from heat. Add cereal, stirring until well coated. Press evenly in 9” pie pan to form crust. Stir together peanut butter, fudge sauce and the 3 T. corn syrup. Spread half the peanut butter mixture over crust. Freeze until firm. Allow ice cream to soften slightly. Spoon into frozen pie crust, spreading evenly. Freeze until firm. Let pie stand at room temperature about 10 minutes before cutting. Warm remaining peanut butter mixture and drizzle over top (any syrup can be used to drizzle over the top). Makes 8 servings.

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Glazed Pie

Mix vanilla pudding with milk. Cook and stir to a full boil. Cool 5 minutes, stirring twice. Pour into cooled baked 9” pie shell. Chill. Meanwhile, add boiling water to strawberry jello, stir to dissolve. Add cold water. Chill until slightly thickened. Slice banana and arrange on pie. Spoon Jello over banana slices. Chill until firm.

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Ice Cream Pie (Janette Keck)

Melt chocolate chips and butter together and stir in cereal. Press into pie plate to form crust. Fill crust with ice cream and drizzle fudge sauce on top. Put in freezer until solid.

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Lemonade Pie (Patty Keck)

Mix milk and lemon juice, add vanilla and blend well, add cool whip and mix well. Pour into graham cracker crust and chill. Just before serving spread pie filling over top of pie.

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South African Milk Tart (Brian Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. In a medium mixing bowl, cream together ½ c. butter or margarine and 1 c. sugar. Add 1 egg and beat until mixture is smooth. In a separate bowl, mix together 2 c. flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir flour mixture into sugar mixture just until ingredients are thoroughly combined. Press mixture into bottom and sides of two 9" pie pans. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, until golden brown.

In a large saucepan, combine milk, vanilla extract, and 1 T. butter or margarine. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then remove from burner. In a separate bowl, mix together 2½ T. flour, cornstarch, and ½ c. sugar. Add beaten eggs to sugar mixture and whisk until smooth. Slowly whisk mixture into milk. Return pan to heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 5 minutes. Pour half of mixture into each pastry shell. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Chill before serving.

“I first had this traditional South African dessert in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, on Christmas, 1977.”

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Orange Pineapple Chiffon Pie (Shirley Jolly)

Add pineapple juice to gelatin. Combine egg yolks with salt, ¾ c. sugar, and orange juice. Cook over low heat or double boiler stirring often. When thick, add gelatin and stir until dissolved. Chill until syrupy. Fold in pineapple. Beat egg whites with remaining ¼ c. sugar until it peaks. Fold into chilled mixture and spoon into pie shell. Chill. Top with whipping cream if desired, and/or graham cracker crumbs.

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Raspberry Chiffon Pie (Patty Keck)

Drain raspberries, add water to syrup to make ⅔ c. If using fresh raspberries add ¼ c. sugar to the gelatin. Dissolve gelatin in boiling water; add lemon juice and raspberry syrup. Chill till partially set. Beat till soft peaks form. Fold in raspberries and whipped cream. Add dash of salt to egg whites; beat till soft peaks form. Add sugar gradually; beat to stiff peaks. Fold into raspberry mixture. Pile into cooled pastry shell; chill.

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Chocolate Covered Cherries (Carol Gibbons)

Basic Fondant: Mix butter, vanilla, corn syrup, salt, and powdered sugar. Knead on wooden surface until creamy.

Melt chocolate chips in top of double boiler. For each cherry, flatten a small amount of fondant, wrap around cherry (no openings). When all cherries are covered, refrigerate (they should be quite cold before being dipped.) Drop cherries, one at a time into the chocolate--swirl; lift out with 2 forks, shaking off excessive chocolate. Place on waxed paper on cookie sheet to dry. Store in cool place. Makes 48 pieces. If allowed to stand for several days, they will form juice inside. Small amount of paraffin can be added to the melted chocolate if desired.

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Chocolate-covered Ritz Crackers (Terri Hamilton, 1984)

Spread peanut butter on a Ritz Cracker. Put another cracker on top, making a sandwich. Melt dipping chocolate in a double boiler. Poke a toothpick into one of the sandwiches and dip in the chocolate. (If chocolate becomes too thick, melt in a t. or so of shortening). Place on wax paper or plastic wrap until cool and hard. Can be put into a freezer for a short time to speed hardening.

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Chocolate Fudge

Combine sugar, milk, butter, salt and chocolate. Cover until boiling point is reached. Boil to softball stage (°234 to °238). Add vanilla and cool, without stirring, to room temperature. Beat until thick and creamy and will hold its shape when dropped from a teaspoon. Pour into buttered dish.

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Chocolate Mystery (Barbara Keck)

Crust: preheat oven to °350. Blend flour, softened butter, and nuts. Press in bottom of 9” x 13” pan. Bake for 20 minutes. Cool.

1st Layer: mix powdered sugar with cream cheese with electric mixer, blend in large carton of cool whip. Pour over crust.

2nd Layer: mix pkg. chocolate pudding with milk, pour over 1st layer.

3rd Layer: spread small carton cool whip over 2nd layer. Sprinkle chopped nuts over the top.

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Cream Puffs (Janette Keck)


Preheat oven to °400. Combine water, butter, and salt; bring to boiling. Add flour all at once; stir rapidly over heat until mixture forms ball and follows spoon around pan. Cool slightly. Beat in eggs, one at a time; beat well until mixture is smooth and each egg is blended in. Mixture will be slippery and separated, but the beating will smooth it. Spoon mixture in 8 even mounds on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until puffed, brown, and there are no tiny bubbles of moisture on surface. Cool; cut off tops and remove moist centers.

Pastry Filling:

Combine flour, sugar, and salt in saucepan. Add milk slowly; stir until blended. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and bubbly; cook 2 minutes longer. Beat half the hot mixture into eggs; stir into mixture in saucepan; cook 1 minute longer or until bubbly, stirring constantly. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla and butter. Place piece of wax paper directly on top of hot pastry cream to prevent skin from forming. Cool. Fold in whipped cream; chill. Fill empty puffs with filling.

Alternate Butterscotch Filling:

Combine butter, brown sugar, hot water, and egg yolks in top of double boiler; cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until sauce thickens slightly. Cool; fold in whipped cream. Fill empty puffs with filling.

Dark Chocolate Glaze:

Melt chocolate with butter in a double boiler over hot water. Stir in confectioners' sugar; beat in water until mixture is smooth. Spoon over tops of filled cream puffs at once.

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Mix the ingredients in a large mixing bowl until it can be rolled out. Roll the dough out on a floured board, cut with doughnut cutter. Heat lard in large deep frying pan until very hot. Deep-fry doughnuts until golden brown.

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Easy Cheesy Lemon Bars

Preheat oven to °350. Combine cake mix, butter, and egg. Mix with fork until moist. Pat into 13” x 9” dish; grease on bottom only. Blend frosting mix into cream cheese. Reserve ½ c. of cheese and frosting mixture. Add 2 eggs to remaining frosting mixture. Beat 3 to 5 minutes. Spread over cake mixture. Bake for 40 minutes. Cool; spread with reserved frosting mixture.

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Five Minute Fudge

Mix milk, sugar, and salt in saucepan over low heat. Heat to boiling, then cook 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Add marshmallows, chocolate chips, vanilla, and nuts. Stir 1 to 2 minutes, until marshmallows are melted. Pour into buttered 9” pan. Let set.

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Four Layer Dessert (28th Ward Relief Society, 1980)

Preheat oven to °350. Melt butter and mix with flour and pecans. Pour into 9” x 13” dish and bake for 20 minutes. Cool. Mix softened cream cheese, powdered sugar, and 4½ oz. cool whip, spread into cooled crust. Combine milk and 2 pkg. instant pudding mix and spread on top of previous layer. Cover with cool whip. If chocolate pudding is used, grate a small Hershey's bar on top of the cool whip. Refrigerate.

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Frozen Strawberry Dessert (Elva LeSueur)

Crumbly mixture: preheat oven to °400. Mix well in a bowl: butter, flour, brown sugar, and nuts. Spread on a cookie sheet. Bake for 12 minutes, stirring often to prevent burning. Cool. Place half of the mixture in a 13” x 7” pan.

Filling: mix pkg. frozen strawberries, lemon juice, egg whites, sugar, and vanilla, beat 20 minutes. DO NOT UNDER-BEAT. Whip cream, fold into mixture. Pour over crumbs. Sprinkle remaining crumbs on top. Freeze at least 6 hours.

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Hot Fudge Pudding

Preheat oven to °350. Blend flour, baking powder, salt, sugar and 2 T. cocoa in bowl. Stir in milk and shortening. Blend in nuts. Spread in square pan (9” x 9”). Sprinkle with mixture of brown sugar and ¼ c. cocoa. Pour hot water over entire batter. Bake for 45 minutes. During baking, cake mixture will rise to the top and the chocolate sauce will settle to the bottom. Cut cake into squares; invert each square onto a dessert plate and spoon sauce over the cake. Otherwise, invert entire pudding onto a platter. Serve warm. Makes 9 servings.

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Junket (Janette Keck)

Combine milk, sugar, and vanilla. Heat to lukewarm (°110). Dissolve “Junket” Rennet tablet in water by crushing. Add to warm milk and stir for a few seconds only. Pour at once while still liquid into individual dessert dishes. Let stand undisturbed for 10 minutes. Then chill.

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Lemon Bars (Tracy Keck)



Preheat oven to °350. Combine ingredients for crust until crumbly. Pour into a 9” square pan. Press on bottom until spread flat all over. Bake for 9 minutes. This should not be brown. Mix all ingredients for filling and pour over the baked crust. Bake for another 15 minutes. Sprinkle top lightly with powdered sugar and cut into squares or bars.

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Lime Chocolate Delicious (Judi Baggiore)

Chill milk in refrigerator overnight. Dissolve Jello in boiling water. Chill Jello until partially set. Whip canned milk, fold in lemon juice, lime juice, and sugar. Whip Jello until fluffy. Combine Jello and milk mixture. Mix chocolate wafer crumbs and melted butter. Press buttered crumbs into bottom of a 13” x 9” pan. Pour mixture over crumbs. Chill until firm. Garnish with chocolate wafer crumbs.

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Marshmallow Treats

Melt margarine in a 3 qt. saucepan. Add marshmallows and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until marshmallows are melted and mixture is very syrupy. Add vanilla. Remove from heat. Add Rice Krispies and stir until well coated. Shape with buttered hands into square, greased pan.

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Oatmeal Fudge Bars (Patty Keck)

Oatmeal Layer:

In medium bowl, with wooden spoon, beat shortening with sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Sift flour, baking soda, salt, and add to mixture. Mix well. Stir in oats and nuts. Reserve 2 c. mixture for topping. Press rest of mixture evenly into bottom of greased cookie sheet or large baking dish.

Fudge Layer:

In pan combine chocolate chips, butter, salt, and milk. Cook, stirring over low heat until chips and butter are melted. Remove from heat. Stir in nuts and vanilla. Spread chocolate mixture over oatmeal layer. Sprinkle top with remaining oatmeal mixture. Cook, cool. Cut in squares.

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Old-fashioned Bread Pudding

Preheat oven to °350. Place bread crumbs in 1½ qt. baking dish. Blend in remaining ingredients. Place baking dish in pan of hot water (1” deep). Bake 40 to 45 minutes, or until silver knife inserted 1” from edge comes out clean. Serve warm with cream. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

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Peach Cobbler (Judi Baggiore)

Top Crust:

Preheat oven to °425. Mix first 5 ingredients and pour into a 13” x 9” dish. (For fresh peaches use ¼ c. liquid and 2 c. sugar.) Mix boiling water, Bisquick and butter, pat out by hand put on top of cobbler to make the crust. Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top. Bake for 25 minutes.

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Peppermint Dessert

Cream sugar and margarine, add eggs and chocolate. Cover 13” x 9” pan with ½” layer of vanilla wafer crumbs. Pour chocolate mixture immediately over crumbs. Whip cream (sweeten if desired) and add marshmallows. Pour over chocolate layer. Sprinkle candy over whipped cream layer, and add remaining crumbs. Chill 24 hours.

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Pumpkin Dessert

In large saucepan, combine first 5 ingredients. Add milk and eggs. Mix well. Let stand 1 minute. Over low heat stir until gelatin dissolves and mixture is slightly thick (about 10 minutes). Remove from heat and stir in pumpkin. Mix well. Pour into crust. Chill 3 hours. Frost with cool whip.

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Reese's Peanut Butter Bars

Blend together first three ingredients and add 1 c. melted butter, press into 13” x 9” dish. Melt chocolate chips and spread on top. Cool or put in refrigerator.

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Rice Pudding (Lowell Hamilton)

Combine milk, butter, sugar and vanilla in saucepan, bring to boil. Add blanched rice; cook 30 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. When it gets like soup, cool to room temperature, then refrigerate 1 to 2 hours. Add raisins and cream, stir in nutmeg or cinnamon. Scoop into a dish. Top with cream and sprinkled cinnamon.

Alternative method: add rice to milk, butter, sugar and vanilla in the top of a double boiler for 1 hour until rice is tender and milk is absorbed, stirring frequently.

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Scotcheroos (Janette Keck)

Grease 13” x 9” dish. Bring sugar and syrup to full boil. Remove from heat. Stir in peanut butter. Mix well and stir in cereal. Press into dish. Melt chips in double boiler or microwave and spread on top.

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Butter 13” x 9” dish. Heat syrup, margarine and chocolate chips together until melted. Stir in vanilla and pour mixture over cereal. Add marshmallows and stir well. Press into dish and let cool. Cut into squares.

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Vanilla Ice Cream (Judi Baggiore)

Beat eggs, add sugar, and stir in milk and half & half. Pour into electric ice cream freezer and freeze as directed.

For chocolate Ice Cream: Omit 2 c. sugar and add 2 cans Hershey's Chocolate Syrup. Also omit 1 c. of the milk.

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Casseroles, etc.

Casseroles, etc.

Bacon Macaroni Casserole

Preheat oven to °375. Cook macaroni in boiling, salted water for 9 to 12 minutes. Drain. Lightly fry bacon over low heat. Remove, set aside. Brown frankfurters in bacon fat. Drain. Combine remaining ingredients. Add macaroni. Pour into a well oiled 1½ qt. Casserole dish. Arrange bacon on top. Bake for 20 to 30 minutes. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

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Baked Stuffed Lasagna (Brian Keck)

Preheat oven to °375. Heat oil in large saucepan; add garlic and onions; cook over low heat 10 minutes. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, 2 t. salt, sugar, oregano, ½ t. basil, red pepper seeds, and water. Cover; cook over low heat 1½ hours, stirring occasionally. Mix beef, egg, garlic salt, ½ t. salt, pepper, ½ t. basil and 2 T. chopped parsley. Drop by spoonfuls into fat or oil in skillet; brown lightly. Add to sauce; cook uncovered ½ hour. Spoon some sauce in bottom of 13” x 9” baking dish. Arrange drained lasagna in layer in dish, overlapping them slightly. Spoon over about one quarter meat sauce and ricotta; top with one quarter of mozzarella, grated Parmesan, and remaining chopped parsley. Repeat until all ingredients are used, making top layer sauce and mozzarella. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until hot and bubbling. Garnish with parsley sprigs. Makes 8 servings.

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Baked Meatballs

Preheat oven to °350. Beat eggs and milk. Stir in onion, bread and seasonings. Add beef and mix well. Shape ¼ c. mixture into a ball. Shape the rest of the mixture into balls approximately the same size. Place in shallow pan. Bake 30 to 40 minutes. Makes about 18 meatballs.

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beef liver with Sweet & Sour Sauce (Brian Keck)

Sprinkle pepper on liver. Heat oil and saute onion until golden brown. Add liver and fry for 3 minutes more. Add water and lemon juice mixture and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. Mix flour, sugar, vinegar, and salt, add to the liver stirring constantly until the sauce thickens. Simmer a few minutes more over a very low heat. Serve hot.

“I'm not a big fan of liver, but it is full of nutrients and cooking it this way makes it tolerable. This recipe comes from South Africa.”

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Beef & Potato Loaf

Preheat oven to °350. Arrange potatoes, onion, salt, and pepper in a greased 2 qt. Baking dish. In a mixing bowl mix ground beef, evaporated milk, soda cracker crumbs, ketchup, onion, salt and pepper, spread evenly over potatoes. Bake for 1 hour, until potatoes are tender.

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Cheesy Beef Casserole

Brown ground beef in skillet, drain. Add remaining ingredients, except cheese. Cover and cook until noodles are tender. Grate cheese and stir into mixture, heat until cheese is melted.

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Chicken & Dumplings


Put chicken in kettle and cover with boiling water. Add salt, pepper, celery, onion, carrots and cubes. Boil and simmer 1¼ hours until chicken is tender. Remove chicken, remove meat from bones. Measure liquid to 4 c. Blend flour and milk. Gradually add a little hot chicken broth to milk, then stir all into hot liquid and cook, stirring until thickened. With a spoon, gradually beat in egg yolks. Put chicken back into broth, bring to bubbling, and add dumpling batter. Cook uncovered for 10 minutes, then covered for 10 more minutes.

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Chicken Casserole #1

Preheat oven to °450. Mix stuffing and butter, press into bottom of a 13” x 9” dish. Mix all other ingredients and cook together in a pan until very hot. Spoon mixture into casserole dish. Top with more stuffing/butter mix. Cook for 10 minutes. Thicken chicken broth into gravy, serve over casserole.

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Chicken Casserole #2 (Patty Keck)

Preheat oven to °325. Mix everything except chicken together. Place in a 13” x 9” dish. Put chicken parts on top. Cook 1 hour uncovered. Cover and continue baking for another hour.

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Chicken Crescent Rolls (Patty Keck)

Preheat oven to °400. Mix the chicken, soup, water, cream cheese, celery, and onion in a bowl. Spoon the mixture onto crescent rolls, roll up, roll in melted butter and bread crumbs. Place in baking dish and bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Makes about 3 dozen.

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Chicken Custard Loaf (Sylvia Saari)

Preheat oven to °325. Mix bread, celery, salt, sage, pepper, cream, and melted butter in bowl and spread on bottom of 13” x 9” baking dish, cover with diced chicken. In a saucepan, mix butter, flour, and chicken broth and cook until thickened. Pour over beaten eggs and heat in double boiler for a few minutes. Pour sauce over mixture in baking dish and top with buttered crumbs. Bake for 40 minutes.

“Served at Judi and Jim Baggiore's wedding supper by Jim's mother Sylvia Saari, December 18, 1965.”

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Chicken with Forbidden Fruit (Carol Gibbons)

Preheat oven to °350. Mix cubed cornbread, diced celery, and apples. Spread mixture in a well greased baking dish. Place chicken pieces on top of cornbread. Salt and pepper to taste. Brush chicken pieces with apple jelly. Bake for approximately 45 minutes. If chicken browns before completion of baking, cover with foil until chicken is done. Makes 6 servings.

“This is my own recipe -- a favorite of my son, Matthew. I've never seen a recipe combining chicken and apple, and hope you enjoy the unique flavor combination as much as my family does.”

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Chicken Strata

Preheat oven to °325. Butter 2 slices bread; cut in ½” cubes and set aside. Cut remaining bread into 1” cubes; place half of unbuttered cubes in bottom of 8” x 8” baking dish. Combine chicken, vegetables, mayonnaise, and seasonings; spoon over bread cubes. Sprinkle remaining unbuttered cubes over chicken mixture. Combine eggs and milk; pour over all. Cover and chill 1 hour or overnight. Spoon soup over top. Sprinkle with buttered cubes. Bake for 50 minutes or until set. Sprinkle cheese over top last few minutes of baking. Makes 6 servings.

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Chicken Supreme (Patty Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. Saute onions, blend in soup, milk and chilies. Add chicken to mixture. Season with salt to your own taste. Line a 13” x 9” baking dish with 6 tortillas, then cover them with ¼ chicken mixture, then a layer of cheese. Repeat 3 times, always put cheese on top. Bake for 40 minutes.

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Club Chicken (Janette Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. Melt butter, blend in flour. Gradually add broth, milk and water; cook over low heat until thick, stirring constantly. Add salt. Add chicken rice, mushrooms, pimento, and green pepper. Pour into greased 11” x 7” baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with toasted almonds. Makes 8 to 10 servings.

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Corndogs (Patty Keck

Heat oil to °375. Combine flour, cornmeal, sugar, mustard, baking powder, and salt. Add milk, egg and oil. Mix until smooth. Pour mixture into a tall glass. Put hotdogs on skewers. Dip hotdogs, one at a time, in cornmeal batter. Fry until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Makes 12 corndogs.

“I don't use skewers. I cut the hotdogs into thirds, dip them in the batter and then fry them until golden brown.”

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Corned Beef & Noodles

Preheat oven to °350. Cook noodles according to package. Add bread cubes to melted margarine. Add onion and brown. Mix all ingredients together. Pour into 2 qt. Casserole dish. Bake for 30 minutes.

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Easy Beef Stew (Janette Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. Combine beef, cream of chicken soup, and bay leaf in oven-proof pot, cover and bake for 1 hour. Remove from oven, stir in potatoes, carrots, celery, and onion. Continue baking for 1 to 1½ hours, until vegetables are soft.

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Easy Ground Beef Stroganoff (Janette Keck)

Brown ground beef in large frying pan, until thoroughly cooked, drain. Add cream of mushroom soup, heat until bubbly, stirring occasionally. Add sour cream, heat though. Cook egg noodles in boiling water until done (follow pkg. instructions). Drain. Serve sauce on noodles.

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Elephant Stew (Barbara Keck)

Take elephant, cut into bite size pieces, this should take you about 2 weeks. Place in large stew pot over outdoor fire. Simmer for 3 weeks, or until tender. This will serve roughly 3500 people. If you are expecting more than this number you can extend this recipe by adding the 2 rabbits. Don't do this unless really necessary as most people don't like to find a hare in their stew.

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Fried Smelt (Janette Keck)

Combine all dry ingredients in bowl. Lay out smelt on a plate and salt. Heat oil in frying pan over medium-high heat (should be enough oil to make a ⅛” deep layer). While oil is heating up, dredge smelt in flour mixture and set aside. When the oil is hot, arrange smelt in one layer with room in between, fry for 2 minutes. Turn and fry for an additional minute, two at the most. Drain on paper towel. Eat with lemon wedge and tartar sauce.

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Ham & Scalloped Potatoes

Preheat oven to °350. Blend soup, milk, and pepper. Add potatoes, diced ham, onion, and green pepper. Mix. Turn into an ungreased 2 qt. casserole dish. Dot top with butter or margarine. Bake uncovered for 1 hour. Cover and continue baking 45 minutes or until potatoes are done. Makes 6 servings.

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Herb Salmon Bake

Preheat oven to °350. Place 1 c. croutons in a greased 1½ qt. Casserole dish. Sprinkle with 1 c. salmon and 1 c. cheese. Repeat, using remaining croutons, salmon, and cheese. Beat eggs slightly, stir in milk, Worcestershire sauce and seasonings. Pour over contents of baking dish. Bake for 1 hour. Makes 6 servings.

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Haitian Fried Pork (Griyo) with Ti-Malice Sauce (Brian Keck)


Combine habanero or scotch bonnet, orange juice, ¼ c. lime juice, minced shallots, minced garlic, mustard, honey, salt and thyme in large bowl. Stir with a whisk. Add pork, toss to coat and chill 12 to 24 hours.


Place pork and marinade in a dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add broth, bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer 1½ hours or until meat is tender. Remove pork from pan with a slotted spoon, reserving cooking liquid. Strain cooking liquid through a sieve into a bowl; discard solids. Place a large plastic zip-lock bag in a bowl. Pour reserved cooking liquid into bag; let stand for 5 minutes. Snip of 1 bottom corner of bag; drain liquid into medium saucepan, stopping before the fat layer reaches the opening. Discard fat. Set ½ c. cooking liquid aside. Place saucepan with cooking liquid over medium-high heat; bring to a boil. Cook 20 minutes or until reduced to about 1 c. Add sliced shallots, vinegar, black pepper, and 1 T. lime juice. Cover and keep warm. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add pork; cook 10 minutes, turning to brown well on all sides. Add reserved ½ c. cooking and remaining 1 T. lime juice. Increase heat to medium-high; cook 4 minutes or until liquid nearly evaporates, stirring occasionally. Place pork in bowl, pour sauce over pork.

“This dish is supposed to be very hot, to control the spiciness somewhat, remove half (or more) of the seeds from the pepper. This is one of the most popular dishes in Haiti, there are many variations, and they are all very, very, good. The pork comes out wonderfully tender.”

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Hot Potato Salad with Franks

Preheat oven to °350. Cook bacon till crisp, add onion, cook till tender but not brown. Blend in flour, sugar, salt and pepper. Add vinegar and water; cook and stir till thick. Remove from heat; stir in salad dressing. In mixing bowl, Sprinkle potatoes with ¾ t. salt and mix in meat mixture. Cut frankfurters into small pieces and stir into the meat and potato mixture. Pour into a baking dish. Bake for 20 minutes. Top with egg slices, parsley, and celery seeds. Makes 6 or 7 servings.

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Impossible Lasagna Pie

Preheat oven to °400. Grease 8” x 8” x 2” baking dish or 10” pie plate. Layer cottage cheese and Parmesan cheese in plate. Mix cooked beef, 1 c. of the mozzarella cheese, oregano, basil, and tomato paste; spoon evenly over top. Beat milk, eggs, Bisquick, salt and pepper, with hand mixer for 1 minute until smooth. Pour into plate. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Return to oven 1 to 2 minutes or until cheese is melted. Cool 5 minutes. Sprinkle with parsley. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

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Indian-style Fried Fish (Brian Keck)

Cut fillets crosswise and at a slight diagonal, into ¾” wide strips. Lay the strips on a plate. Combine salt, pepper, cumin, turmeric, cayenne, and fresh coriander. Sprinkle on fish, pat down so the spices adhere to the fish. Turn fish and do the same on the other side. Set aside for 15 minutes. Break the eggs into a deep plate. Add 4 t. water and beat slightly. Spread the bread crumbs on a second plate. Dip the fish pieces first in the egg and then in the crumbs to coat evenly. Put about ½” of oil in a large frying pan and heat on medium. When hot, put in as many pieces of fish there is room for and fry for 2 to 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towel. Serve hot with tartar sauce and lemon slices.

“This was my family's favorite way to eat white fish. It can be spicy. If that is a problem then reduce the cayenne pepper to ¼ t. or even less.”

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Lattice-top Chicken Bake (Barbara Keck)

Preheat oven to °425. Combine soup, milk, salt, chicken, vegetables, ½ c. cheese, and ½ c. onions. Spread mixture into greased 13” x 9” baking dish. Bake, uncovered for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, combine Bisquick mix, egg and milk to form a soft dough. Spoon over hot chicken mixture to form a lattice design. Bake again, uncovered, for 20 to 25 minutes or until biscuit-lattices are golden. Top lattice with remaining cheese and onions and bake 2 to 5 minutes longer or until cheese melts and onions are lightly browned. Makes 6 servings.

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Macaroni & Cheese

Preheat oven to °350. Cook macaroni using directions on package, drain. Melt margarine and blend in flour. Add milk. Cook until thickened. Season and add some cheese. Put in 10” x 6” dish, pour on sauce and put remaining cheese on top. Bake for 30 minutes.

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Macaroni, Cheese & Sour Cream

Preheat oven to °350. Cook macaroni. At the same time melt margarine and brown onion in it, then add ½ t. salt, and tomato soup. Add macaroni, sour cream and cheese. Mix. Spoon into 2 qt. Casserole dish. Bake 25 minutes. Top with cheese.

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Meat Potato Pie

Preheat oven to °350. Mix ½ c. soup, meat, onion, egg, bread crumbs, parsley and seasonings. Press firmly into 9” pie plate. Bake for 25 minutes. Spoon off fat. Spread mashed potatoes over pie and top with remaining soup and cheese. Bake 10 minutes more.

“Doubled and tripled, this was a family recipe for many family gatherings from about 1975 in Mesa, Arizona.”

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Meat & Vegetable Stuffed Pastries



Preheat oven to °400. Mix flour, salt, oil, and water, set aside. Cook ground beef and turkey in skillet, drain. In large bowl, mix vegetables together with 2 t. salt and some pepper, mix with cooked meat mixture. Divide crust dough into 6 parts. Roll to size of medium pie plate on lightly floured board. Place ⅙ of the mixture onto the crust and fold over, crimping and sealing the edges. Prick with a fork and bake for 1 hour. Serves 6.

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Meatball Garden




Cook onion in 1 T. butter until it is tender but not brown. In bowl, combine beef, veal, flour, salt, pepper, egg and milk. Beat thoroughly. (This mixture should be light and fluffy) Add cooked onion and form into 1” balls.

In large skillet, brown balls lightly in a little additional butter or margarine. Shake skillet to turn the meatballs as they brown. Push balls aside, make gravy: blend 2 T. flour in fat in skillet. Add the consomme. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens.

To the meatballs in the skillet, add potatoes, carrots, peas, and onions. Sprinkle vegetables with 1 t. salt and ¼ t. pepper. Cover skillet and simmer until vegetables are tender, about 30 minutes. Makes 6 servings.

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Mexican Casserole

Preheat oven to °350. Brown meat, add chopped onion and cook until done. Drain fat. Add chilies to beans, spread in a 13” x 9” dish. Place chips on top of the beans. Spread meat over chips and top with cheese and olives. Pour enchilada or taco sauce over everything. Bake for 30 minutes.

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Navajo Tacos (Patty Keck)

Mix flour, baking powder, and water, knead until soft, cover and let set 15 minutes. Roll out in circles, fry in hot oil, drain on paper towels. Makes about 4 large tacos. Top fry bread tacos with refried beans, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.

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Pam's Beans (Pam Keck, 1977)

Preheat oven to °350. Saute meat and onion, add salt and pepper to taste. Pour off grease and add beans, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and brown sugar. Mix and pour into baking dish and bake for 20 to 30 minutes. Top with cheese last few minutes of baking time. Or mixture can be poured into a saucepan and cooked on the stove top.

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Pigs in a Blanket (Gladys Splinter, 1930's)

Preheat oven to °425. Add milk to Bisquick all at once; stir with fork into a soft dough. Beat dough vigorously 20 strokes, until stiff and slightly sticky. Roll dough around on cloth-covered board lightly dusted with flour to prevent sticking. Knead gently 8 to 10 times to smooth up dough. Roll out very thin (about ¼”). Cut into strips and wrap Vienna sausages into the “blankets.” Place on baking sheet and bake 10 to 15 minutes, being careful not to burn them. Serve with mustard or ketchup.

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Potatoes Stroganoff

Brown meat with garlic salt, drain off fat. Add potato slices and sprinkle with cheese. Stir in water and milk (according to the Au Gratin Potato instructions). Heat to boiling, cover and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in sour cream, heat through.

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Sausage Casserole (Patty Keck)

Preheat oven to °350. Combine sausage, celery, onion and soup mix and cook in 4 c. water for 10 minutes. Add rice and almonds. Pour into baking dish and bake for 30 minutes or until moisture is gone.

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Sausage Strata

Preheat oven to °350. Trim crusts from bread, fit bread in bottom of 6 greased individual casserole dishes or 10” x 6” baking dish. Brown sausage; drain of all excess fat. Stir in mustard. Spoon sausage evenly over bread; sprinkle with cheese. Combine remaining ingredients; pour over cheese. Bake for 25 to 35 minutes or until puffed and set. Trim with sprigs of parsley. Serve immediately. Makes 6 servings.

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Scalloped Potatoes

Preheat oven to °350. Stir cheddar cheese soup until smooth; gradually add milk. In buttered 1½ qt. Casserole dish, arrange alternate layers of potato, onion and sauce. Dot top with butter. Bake for 1 hour, uncover, then bake 15 minutes more.

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Seven Layer Dinner (Sylvia Saari)

Preheat oven to °350. Brown the ground beef with the onion. Layer meat and onion mixture, rice, potatoes, celery, and carrots in a 2 qt. Casserole dish. Dilute the soup with 1 can of water and pour over ingredients in the dish. Bake 1½ hours. Cheese can be spread on top near end of cooking time. If top gets too dry add a little extra water.

“This was Jim Baggiore's favorite dish as a child.”

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Sour Cream Noodles (Patty Keck)

Saute bacon over medium heat until brown. Add ground beef and onion to bacon. Cook until done. Pour off excess fat. Add soup and seasonings, stir in sour cream. Heat to simmering point. Serve on hot noodles.

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Sour Cream Enchiladas #1

Preheat oven to °350. In mixing bowl combine soup, chicken, chilies, onion, and milk. Stir in sour cream. Pour ½ of the mixture into 13” x 9” baking dish. Fill tortillas with cheese, roll them up and lay them in the dish. Pour rest of mixture over tortillas and top with remaining cheese. Bake for 20 minutes.

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Sour Cream Enchiladas #2

Preheat oven to °350. Mix together sour cream, soups, chicken and chilies. Lightly fry tortillas. Place small amount mixture on tortilla, add cheese, then roll up. Continue until all tortillas are used. Place in baking dish, top with cheese and bake 20 minutes.

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Sour Cream Potatoes

Preheat oven to °350. Mash potatoes and mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Spoon into a 13” x 9” dish. Top with cheese. Bake for 30 minutes.

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Spam or Tuna Burgers

Put butter and sliced cheese on top halves of buns. Put sliced spam or tuna and mayonnaise mixture on lower half of bun. Broil until cheese melts. Immediately close both halves together. Serve immediately.

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Spanish Fried Rice

Soak rice in 1½ c. hot water for ½ hour. Drain well, spread in a shallow pan and dry for about 1 hour. Cook bacon until crisp, crumble and set aside. Add rice to the bacon drippings and cook until rice is lightly browned. Add crumbled bacon, beef broth, tomato sauce, green pepper, onion, garlic, and cumin seeds. Cover, cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until rice is done and liquid is absorbed, about 30 minutes. Add extra water if needed. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

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Steak Stroganoff (Judi Baggiore)

Cut meat into strips, dip in flour and brown in a skillet. Add beef broth and salt. Put into crockpot set on low all day or on high for 4 hours. Towards the end add onions and mushrooms. When done stir in sour cream and serve on rice.

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Swedish Meatballs (Janette Keck)

Blend soup with ½ soup can of water. Measure out ¼ c. of soup mixture and combine with ground beef, bread crumbs, egg, minced onion, and salt. Shape into 1” balls. Heat shortening in large skillet, brown meatballs, add remaining soup mixture and dill. Cover and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

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Tamale Bake (Patty Keck)


Preheat oven to °375. Cook meat and onions. Stir in tomato sauce, undrained corn, chili powder, salt and pepper. Simmer 5 minutes. Mix cornmeal and water. Stir into meat mixture. Cover and simmer 8 minutes. Pour into a 13” x 9” baking dish. Heat milk with salt and butter, slowly stir in cornmeal. Cook, stirring until thick. Remove from heat. Stir in the cheese and eggs. Spread over the meat mixture in the baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes.

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Tamale Pie

Preheat oven to °325. Combine water, corn meal and salt, boil and cook until thickened. Put in lightly oiled casserole dish, press on bottom and sides like a crust. Saute onion in oil, add meat. Cook. Add flour, salt chili powder, tomatoes, tomato paste, mushrooms, and olives, mix and boil. Pour into cornmeal shell. Bake for 40 minutes. Garnish with cheese.

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Topsy-turvy Pie


Preheat oven to °425. Brown meat in oil, add onion and green pepper. Cook stirring frequently, until meat is well-browned and onion is transparent. Add tomato sauce, water, salt, chili powder and olives. Mix well. Pour into a 9” pie pan. Mix Bisquick and cream. Beat 20 strokes. Roll dough on cloth-covered board lightly dusted with flour to prevent sticking. Knead 8 to 10 times to smooth up. Roll out to fit top of pie pan. Make slits on top. Place over meat mixture. Bake for 10 to 20 minutes. Remove from oven. Let stand a minute or two. Invert over serving dish. Cut into wedges. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

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Tuna Casserole

Preheat oven to °350. Mix all ingredients together, pour into a baking dish. Top with potato chips and bake for 20 minutes or until heated through.

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Tuna Noodle Crisp (Patty Keck)

Preheat oven to °350, cook noodles in boiling water according to package directions, drain. Melt shortening in large skillet, add onion. Stir in soup, milk, salt, pepper, bring to boil. Add cooked noodles and tuna. Place mixture in a 1½ to 2 qt. Casserole dish. Sprinkle bread crumbs on top. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.

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Wiener Boats

Preheat oven to °350. Cut hotdogs in half lengthwise and lay on a baking sheet. Cover with instant potato mix and grated cheese. Bake for about 15 minutes.

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Beets with Onions (Brian Keck)

Peel beets and dice. Heat oil in a medium-sized pot, when hot put in the cumin seeds. Let them sizzle for 5 seconds. Put in the garlic. Stir and fry until the garlic pieces turn golden. Put in the onion. Stir and fry for 2 minutes. Put in the flour and cayenne. Stir and fry for a minute. Now put in the beets, the tomatoes, salt, and water. Bring to a simmer. Cover, turn heat to low and simmer 30 minutes or until beets are tender. Remove lid, turn up heat to medium, and cook uncovered for about 7 minutes or until the sauce has thickened slightly.

“I usually don't like beets, but I like this recipe, it's from India. I rarely peel my tomatoes, it makes the consistency slightly smoother, but does not affect taste.”

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Cabbage & Peas (Brian Keck)

Core cabbage and cut into very fine, long shreds. Put the peas in a strainer and hold them under warm, running water until they separate. Heat oil in a wide pot over a medium-high heat. When hot, put in the cumin seeds and bay leaves. As soon as the bay leaves begin to take on color—this just takes a few seconds—put in the cabbage and peas and stir them about for 30 seconds. Add the turmeric and cayenne. Stir to mix. Cover, turn heat to low and cook for 5 minutes or until vegetables are just tender. Add the green chili, salt and sugar. Stir to mix. Cover and cook on low heat another 2 to 3 minutes. Remove cover and sprinkle in the garam masala. Stir gently and mix. Remove bay leaves before serving.

Garam masala: This is an Indian curry mix. Recipe is as follows:

Place all ingredients in a coffee grinder or other grinding device. Grind fine and store in small container with tight-fitting lid. Makes about 3 T.

You can also buy Garam Masala at most larger grocery stores, look in the spice aisle.

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Carrots, Peas & Potatoes (Brian Keck)

Peel the carrots and cut them first into ½” thick diagonal slices and then into ½” dice. Peel the potatoes and cut them into ½” dice. Peel the onions and chop coarsely. Cut the scallion into very, very thin slices, all the way to the end of its green section. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. When hot, put in the cumin seeds. Let them sizzle for 3 or 4 seconds. Now put in the whole chilies and stir them about for 3 or 4 seconds. Put in the chopped onion. Stir and cook for 5 minutes or until onion pieces turn translucent. Put in the carrots and peas. Stir them about for a minute. Cover, turn heat to low, and cook for about 5 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Uncover and turn heat up slightly. Add the potatoes, salt, and sugar. Stir and cook another 2 to 3 minutes. Add the scallion. Stir and cook for 30 seconds. Remove the whole chilies before serving.

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Cauliflower with Potatoes (Brian Keck)

Boil the potatoes in their jackets and allow them to cool completely (day-old cooked potatoes that have been refrigerated work extremely well). Peel the potatoes and cut them into ¾” dice. Break up cauliflower into chunky flowerets and soak them in a bowl of water for 30 minutes. Drain well. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. When hot, put in the whole cumin seeds. Let the seeds sizzle for 3 to 4 seconds. Put in the cauliflower and stir it about for 2 minutes. Let the cauliflower brown in spots. Cover, turn heat to low and simmer for about 4 to 6 minutes or until cauliflower is almost done but still has a hint of crispness left. Put in the diced potatoes, ground cumin, coriander, turmeric, cayenne, green chili, ground roasted cumin, salt, and some black pepper. Stir gently to mix. Continue to cook uncovered on low heat for another 3 minutes or until potatoes are heated through. Stir gently.

“Everyone loves this dish. The roasted cumin is an important part of the dish's flavoring. To roast the cumin seeds, place them in a small frying pan over medium heat and fry dry until the seeds give off a pleasant roasted smell and turn a darker brown.”

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Haitian-style Fried Plantains (Brian Keck)

Peel plantains and cut at an angle into 5 pieces each. Place oil in a deep frying pan on medium heat. In a small bowl, mix vinegar, salt, garlic, and water; set aside. Place cut plantains in hot oil. Cook plantains for 4 to 7 minutes on each side. Remove plantains with slotted spoon. Flatten plantains using a plantain smasher (tostonera). If no plantain smasher is available, use the bottom of a glass. Smash each slice until they are about ½” thick. Soak them in the water-vinegar mixture and place them in oil. Fry on each side until plantains are brown and crispy. Remove them and drain on paper towel to remove excess oil. Serve hot.

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Herbed Broccoli (Brian Keck)

Wash broccoli, remove large leaves and cut off ends of stocks. Cut large stalks in half lengthwise. Dissolve bouillon cubes in water in large skillet. Add onion, marjoram, basil, and broccoli. Cover; cook quickly, about 10 minutes or until just tender. Drain. Add butter or margarine. Makes 8 servings.

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Jello Salads

Jello Salads

Cranberries in the Snow (Barbara Keck)


Bring water, jello and cranberry sauce to boil. Make sure all jello and cranberry sauce is dissolved. Put fresh cranberries in blender with some liquid (jello mixture) and chop the cranberries. Mix all ingredients listed above and pour into 13” x 9” pan. Chill until set. Combine cream cheese and marshmallow cream. Add whipped cream and pour over set jello mixture. Topping will hold for 2 or 3 days.

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Frozen Salad (Janette Keck)

Melt marshmallows in 6 T. (or more) cherry juice (and pineapple juice if needed). Remove from heat and add mayonnaise and ginger ale. Fold in fruits and whipping cream. Pour into 13” x 9” dish. Freeze until solid.

“This has been a Keck family holiday tradition for many years.”

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Grandma Keck's Graham Cracker Salad

In a 8” x 8” square dish, line a layer of graham crackers on the bottom. Make frosting, using the butter and powdered sugar and a little milk. Frost the graham crackers. Put another layer of crackers on top. Make jello according to directions on box. Chill until partially set. Whip evaporated milk until thick. Mix with 1 c. of jello mixture. Beat until foamy. Layer on top of crackers. Put dish in freezer only while preparing the third layer. Mix remaining jello with well-drained fruit cocktail. Put on top of whipped mixture. Let all chill in refrigerator until set. Cut into squares and serve.

“A favorite of Terri (Keck) Hamilton while growing up when visiting grandma. Also a birthday favorite of Kimberleigh (Keck) McKnight instead of cake.”

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Grandma Keck's Ribbon Salad

Dissolve lime jello in 2 c. hot water. Add 2 c. cold water—pour into 14” x 10” x 2” pan. Chill. Then dissolve lemon jello in 1 c. hot water in top of double boiler. Add marshmallows--stir to melt. Remove from heat, add juice and cream cheese, beat until well blended. Stir in pineapple. Cool. Fold in whipped cream and mayonnaise. Chill. Pour over lime jello. Chill until set. Then dissolve cherry jello in 2 c. hot water, add 2 c. cold water. Chill until syrupy. Pour over pineapple layer. Chill until firm. Makes 24 squares.

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Jello Cube Salad

Prepare the orange, cherry, and lime jello each separately by dissolving each jello in 1 c. boiling water and adding 1 c. cold water. Pour each flavor into separate 8” square pans. Chill until firm, at least 3 hours. Cut into ½” cubes; set aside a few of each flavor for garnish. Dissolve the lemon jello and sugar in 1 c. boiling water; add pineapple juice. Chill until slightly thickened. Blend in whipped topping and the cubes. Spoon into a 9” round springform pan or other kind of pan or dish. Chill overnight. Run a spatula around sides of springform pan, gently remove sides. If using a regular pan, cut into squares and serve. Garnish with extra cubes.

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Mandarin Orange Salad


Dissolve jello in boiling water. Add all other ingredients and chill until firm. Place all topping ingredients in a medium saucepan and cook until thick over medium heat. Cool and stir in whipped cream (already whipped and sweetened with ¼ to ⅓ c. sugar). Frost top of firm jello and put into refrigerator until set. Cut into squares.

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Orange Sherbet Salad

Dissolve 1 pkg. jello into ½ c. boiling water, then add 1½ c. mandarin orange juice. Add both cans of oranges. Pour into 11” x 7” dish. Set until firm. When solid, spread on sour cream and chill again. Dissolve other orange jello pkg. in ½ c. boiling water--add orange sherbet until well blended. Spread on top of sour cream. Chill and serve.

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Pear Salad (Patty Keck)

Heat pear juice and pour over jello. While hot mix with cream cheese which had been mashed with milk. When cool and starting to thin, add mashed pears. Fold in whipped cream. Place in 9” x 13” dish. Chill.

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Pistachio Salad (Patty Keck)

Mix pistachio pudding, pineapple, marshmallows, cool whip, and nuts. Mix and chill.

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Raspberry Apple Nut Salad (Patty Keck)

Mix jello according to directions. Chill until starting to set. Add celery, apples, and nuts. Place in dish. Chill.

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Spoofum (Gladys Splinter, about 1932)

Prepare any flavor, any size jello according to directions. When partially set, whip until light and fluffy (about 5 to 10 minutes). Serve plain or add marshmallows or fruit.

“For children or adults who do not like jello.”

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Sunshine Salad (Patty Keck)

Mix jello using 2 c. boiling water in 9” x 13” dish. Add can of undiluted orange juice, dissolve. Add oranges and pineapple with juice. Add bananas. Chill until set. Prepare pie filling as directed on package. When cooled add whipped cream. Spread on top of set jello.

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Candied Popcorn (Patty Keck)

mix sugar, butter, corn syrup, and salt in 2 qt. Pan. Bring to boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil 15 minutes, stirring only once. Remove from heat, add vanilla. Pour over popcorn. Sprinkle with nuts, toss to cover evenly with syrup.

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Caramelized Popcorn (Cherrie Blake, 1980)

Mix in heavy kettle and cook until firm ball. Add ½ t. baking soda and 1 stick butter. Pour over popped corn (3 to 5 qt.). Either eat or you can put it in a °250 oven for about 2 hours. Stir about every 15 minutes until nicely browned and caramelized.

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Kool-aid Popsicles

Pour into popsicle forms and place in freezer (small cups will do nicely). When partially frozen, insert wooden sticks (available at crafts store).

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Traditional Chex Party Mix

Preheat oven to °250 degrees. Melt butter in 13” x 10” roasting pan in oven. Remove. Stir in seasoned salt and Worcestershire sauce. Gradually add cereal and nuts, mixing until all pieces are coated. Bake 1 hour. Stir every 15 minutes. Spread on paper towel to cool. Makes about 9 cups.

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Yummy Trail Mix


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Cheese Potato Soup

Mix potato, cheese sauce mix, chicken broth, water, carrot and celery. Heat to boiling, stir occasionally and then simmer until potatoes are tender (about 25 minutes). Remove from heat, stir in milk. Sprinkle with shredded cheese and serve. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

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Cheese Vegetable Chowder

Combine milk and water; scald. Melt butter in saucepan on low, stir in flour and slowly add milk mixture. Cook, stirring constantly, until slightly thickened. Add cheese and cook until cheese melts. Add vegetables. Season and serve. Makes 6 servings.

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Taco Soup (Barbara Keck)

In a large soup pot, brown ground beef and onion, drain. Add tomatoes, kidney beans, corn, tomato sauce and taco seasoning to taste. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered for 15 minutes.

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Brown Sauce (Brian Keck)

Cook onion, carrot, and celery in butter in saucepan until soft but not brown. Stir in flour; cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is amber brown (do not burn!). This is a brown roux. Remove from heat. Add beef stock. Stir rapidly with a wooden spoon or beat vigorously with a wire whisk. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture bubbles and is thickened. Beat in tomato paste. Strain, if desired. Cook over low heat 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Taste and correct seasoning. Makes about 2 c.

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Fresh Fruit Dip (Patty Keck)


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Hollandaise Sauce (Brian Keck)

Place bottom of a double boiler containing water over medium-low heat; bring water to a simmer. Reduce heat to low. Water should be hot while cooking, never simmering. Add all ingredients except butter to top of double boiler. Whisk rapidly. Continue whisking as egg mixture thickens and lightens in color, 7 to 8 minutes. Egg mixture should be light lemon-yellow. Drizzle butter into egg mixture, 1 drop at a time, whisking rapidly. Remove from heat; keep warm until served. Leftover sauce may be kept in the refrigerator. Makes 1 c.

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Ketchup (Brian Keck)

Combine all ingredients in pot and simmer for about 2 hours, until it has the consistency of store-bought ketchup.

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Mayonnaise (Brian Keck)

Combine sugar, salt, mustard, and cayenne in bowl, blend in egg yolks. Add vinegar slowly, stirring constantly. Slowly beat in ¼ c. oil, a teaspoon at a time, with electric mixer at medium speed. Beat in remaining oil a small amount at a time until mixture thickens. Be sure mixture is smooth before making next addition of oil. Stir in lemon juice. Store covered, in refrigerator. Makes 2 c.

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Spaghetti Sauce

Combine all ingredients in a 2 qt. Saucepan, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. Makes 4 c.

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Tartar Sauce (Brian Keck)

Blend pickle, onion, parsley, and lemon juice into mayonnaise. Makes 1½ c.

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Thousand Island Dressing (Brian Keck)

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Stir well. Place dressing in a covered container and refrigerate for several hours, stirring occasionally so that the sugar dissolves and the flavors blend. Store in refrigerator. Makes about ½ c.

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White Sauce




Melt butter over low heat. Blend in flour and seasonings. Cook over low heat, stirring until smooth. Add milk and bring to a boil for 1 minute. Makes 1 c.

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Grandpa's Salve (Brian Keck)

Pulverize zinc oxide with knife blade. Melt bee's wax and tallow. Let cool. Add glycerin and olive oil, then add zinc oxide and desired amount of bergamont. Stir well. Bottle in glass jar.

“Recipe is from my great-grandpa Arthur Woodford. It is said that his daughter, Bessie Woodford, fell into a fire when she was small and they used this salve on her burns, and she had no scars when it finally healed. My mother still used it when I was very little.”

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Home-made Yogurt

Bring milk to boil quickly in a heavy 3 qt. pan, stirring constantly to prevent sticking. Set aside to cool to about °118. While milk is cooling, sterilize a 1½ to 2 qt. saucepan by rinsing it with boiling water and then dry. When the milk has cooled to about °115, pour ½ c. of milk into saucepan, add plain starter yogurt, and whisk until smooth. Pour in the rest of the milk, it should be about °112. Cover and place saucepan into a warm place: °85 to °110. What works well is an electric oven, preheated to °200, and turned off after 1½ minutes. Let sit in warm place from 6 to 8 hours, until set.

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Kool-aid Party Punch

Boil Kool-aid, sugar, 1 qt. water. Remove from heat. Pour into punch bowl. Add 2 gal. water and pineapple juice. Just before serving add soda and ice.

“Used for many weddings over the years.”

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Mom's Famous Brown Sugar Sandwich (Janette Keck)

Spread margarine on bread slices. Spread a ¼” layer of brown sugar over the butter on one of the bread slices. Put the slices together, cut in half and enjoy.

“These were awesome when I was very young, as an adult, not so much.”

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Home-made Play-Doh (Patty Keck)

Cook until thick (will look like Play-doh). Cool slightly. Divide into 4 parts, add a few drops different color food coloring to each part. Using rubber gloves, so your hands won't get stained, knead each part. Store in zip-lock bags.

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