Appendix A: The Manuscript History of J.A. Keck

This annotated, electronically scanned version of J.A. Keck's History was edited by Don Slivka. His editorial notes are in brackets. All of the notes are Don's, I have refrained from adding to the commentary. I have endeavored to present the text as close to Don's original RTF document as possible. I have only made a very few editorial emendations, mostly spelling and minor grammatical errors.


[by Joseph A. Keck, Bentonsport, Van Buren Co., Iowa, 1901]

[This manuscript sets down portions of the history of 1732 immigrant Henrich Keck's descendants. The information was collected by Joseph over three years, when he was in his early seventies, beginning with a visit to the double log house of his earliest childhood memories in Westmoreland Co, Pennsylvania, then other visits to that state, correspondence with living relatives, and finally a short family history recorded by John Keck, Joseph's uncle. The editor thinks it is clear from Joseph's statements that while he knew the log house was of his grandfather, he knew little else about him. His grandfather had died when his father was not yet nine, and that family was divided up to be raised. It appears Joseph initially had no knowledge at all about his great grandfather who had actually built that log house, assumed his great grandfather was Henrich Keck because of the bits and pieces of information found, and so wrote much of the manuscript, leaving out most of the second generation. When he later received the short family history that recorded what was originally told by Georg, Uncle John Keck's grandfather, it appears Joseph then recognized that Georg was his great grandfather and had built that log house, and that Henrich was actually his great great grandfather. He rewrote the first pages while still unclear about others of the second generation and simply added Uncle John's material into the manuscript, beginning on page 4 and ending on page 11, without correcting the rest of the manuscript regarding Georg. He may have been hastening to get the manuscript together, not having much time left. The result has been a somewhat confusing history that needs cautious reading. But Joseph had finally pieced together and correctly recorded his direct lineage.

{Does anyone know the date of Joseph's death or incapacitation? On page 35, someone did enter the birth of a granddaughter on April 11, 1902, before the manuscript was typed, which makes the editor think Joseph died before then. Otherwise Joseph would have dated the manuscript 1902.}

This text is the electronically scanned, then edited, transcription of a photocopy of a photocopy of a typed manuscript. Judging from the nature of the errors in the manuscript, Joseph probably hand-wrote an original draft, then obtained and added the section on Georg Keck's children. It appears someone then had it all typed and duplicated by others at Stockport News Print for distribution to interested family members. Because the manuscript apparently was not proofed after it was typed, liberty has been taken to correct obvious one-letter misspellings of words and to break or rearrange some paragraphs for easier reading. Significant clarifying and correcting material [within brackets and with sources: src:] has been added to this 1901 version of the manuscript. The photocopy used for this transcription was provided by Mr. Hilary J. Rauch, who also reviewed a shorter 1900 version of the manuscript and made corrections. The editor would be pleased to add additional or correcting material to the text or as appendices in Rich Text Format. November, 2000]


Introduction and First Family's Children.............................pages 1-5 Children of Georg2 and Catharina Schaut Keck............ ............pages 5-11 Children of Henry3 and Catherine Gottleab Keck.......................pages 11-18 Children of Joseph3 and Catherine Klingensmith Keck..................pages 18-24 Children of Henry4 (Henry3) and Mary Ann Hardin Keck.................pages 24-29 Children of Joseph5 A and Ingaba Ebbert Keck.........................pages 29-35 Children of Henry5 (Henry4) Keck, son of Elizabeth Klingensmith......pages 35-36

HISTORY OF THE KECK FAMILY By J.A. Keck--Written in 1901

In taking up this work we find we will have a pretty big task to carry out what we have undertaken. In the fall of 1898, while on a visit to my childhood home in Greensburg, Penn., I became somewhat interested in looking up the history of our ancestors, and while there secured some dates to start from. But one great hindrance was, all of the immediate Keck family had left for the West. I visited the cemeteries to get what I could there, for up to that time we scarcely knew anything of our ancestors farther back than our grandparents, and very little of them. On our return home we opened up a correspondence with all who we thought could give us any information on the subject. At first our object was to get the family records, of births and deaths in the families, with the dates and then it widened out until we concluded to get it in the shape of a history, and now our object is to present what we have and hand it down to our posterity, and some day it may be useful in tracing the different families where there is a detailed estate, in hunting up the heirs and establishing their claims. Anyway it will be a satisfaction of having the history to trace the different branches.

There are still many things that we would like to know in regard to our ancestors, but we hear they have passed beyond recall, which might have been secured while our parents were still with us. But we feel highly gratified in securing as much as we have. Our taking up this work has induced a number of others to write up their families and so the work goes on, and incidentally they have designated me as Joseph, the Historian. Before taking up this work my life had been a busy one, but now we have more time to devote to this subject and are interested in carrying it forward to completion, as we believe that we have secured about all that we can at this time, but we thought the same a year ago, when new mines were discovered, and opened up. With the new discoveries, one was that of finding the Lehigh County, Pa., pioneers, which gave a good history of the founder of the Keck family in America. We had it before in part, but not so full and complete.

We know but little of the early life of our ancestors, and all we know we secured from our uncle, John Keck, who was known as Esquire John, who had it from the lips of his grandfather, George Keck, who was a son of our ancestor, and in 1853, had written a brief history of what he knew of the family, and which was found recently among the family papers, and was unknown to any of them. In our writing to Lida [Eliza] Urmston, his daughter, for the family records, she came across the history and sent me a copy from which we will make some extracts. Her parents both died at her home and she had the papers in her possession.

He says in the paper that Henry Keck was a native of Basle, Switzerland, and could not give any account of his parents. When twelve years of age he found himself in the employ of one of the generals of Alexander the Great [Frederick the Great in 1900 version of manuscript]. During that desolating war many families were scattered, here and there, who were never reunited, and it is reasonable to suppose that

[end of page 1]

many children were left to wander without parents or home, and so it was with him.

Dr. Karl Keck, of Aisleaheim, Upper Austria [Aisterhiem in 1900 version of manuscript], says the family records were destroyed in the year 1709 [1809], when the French took that part of Germany. They bombarded the city of Regensburg, and all the houses were burned, with all the family papers. [See Appendix I. European History and Hypotheses]

Uncle John gives the signification of the name "Keck". It is a pure German name and signifies valor, courage, bravery, etc., and there is no doubt that the first Keck obtained his name by some feat of bravery or heroism, and the people said, he is a "Keck" and ever afterwards called him by that same name. One strong reason to force us to this conclusion is that the Swiss people are one of the bravest and most warlike, as well as free and independent nations of Europe, and the name must have been a very honorable one. Uncle John was a very fine German scholar, and was well qualified to give the meaning of the name. In his history he could give no dates, as all was traditional.

During the summer of 1901, we took a trip to Mercer county, Pa., to visit friends and gather up more history. We took a run down to Allentown, Pa., where the founder of the Keck family located, and while there we had the good fortune to come across a copy of the history of the Pioneers of Lehigh County, Pa., which was put out in 1884, which gives a pretty full account of our ancestor, and we were much pleased to have the privilege of copying from it, as it threw more light on the first families than we could give and corrected many things in regard to the family.

The Pioneer History says that Henry Keck was a native of Upper Pfalls [the Oberpfalz, also known as the Upper Palatinate], Bavaria. He left his native home with his wife, a Miss Peterson, of Holland, on board the English ship Clyde [on the pink, John and William, from Rotterdam through Dover, src: ship's passenger list, Brian Keck, 2000], for America, and arrived at Philadelphia, October 17, 1732. Before landing he had to take the oath of allegiance to King George II. When they reached there he and his wife were sold to a man in Chester county, Pa., for their passage money. They were called redemptioners as they had to serve for bringing them over. They served the time agreed upon, some three or four years. [No evidence that Henrich was in fact a redemptioner has been found. Also evidence shows Henrich was an unmarried man on 13 May 1739 when he and Eva Roth sponsored the baptism of Catharina Eva Arndt at Egypt Reformed Church, Whitehall Twp, Bucks Co. It is unlikely a married man would sponsor a child with a single woman. - Cheryl Tarbet, Richard Bassett, August, 2000.] After this they came to Northhampton, now Lehigh county, and settled on a tract of 100 acres of land one mile south of Allentown, which afterwards he purchased and is still in the hands of his descendants. The tract of land was warranted to Joseph Zimmerman, June 21, 1734, and the title was still in him Dec. 20, 1753, when in consideration of 18 pounds he conveyed to Henry Keck, who received on payment of fifteen pounds and ten shillings, a patent for the land, with the seal of King George attached and the signature of James Hamilton, as governor of the province, dated March 19, 1754. The patent is now in the hands of Charles Keck, of the Allentown National bank. When Henry Keck came to this place about 1740, there was a clearing, a log house, a log barn, and an apple orchard. About ten years after the purchase he built a two story stone house, which stood until 1818, when it was torn down and rebuilt by his grandson, Solomon Keck, who built a stone house on the site of the old one, and it is still standing. [See Appendix II. On Origin of Henrich Keck - Hilary J Rauch, June, 2000]

When Henry Keck came here, and for several years after, all his grist was taken to Sandy Run, Montgomery county, Pa.

[Henrich's brother, Johannes, also came to Pennsylvania but not with Henrich since he does not appear on the same passenger list. This Johannes Keck is first found in America in 1745 (warrant for 100 acres of Land from the Proprietaries of the Province of Pennsylvania). No certain record of his arrival in America has been found but there is a record of his naturalization in 1765. Evidence that this Johannes was a brother of Henrich Keck of Salisbury Twp, Northampton Co., 1732 immigrant is in the will of Johannes which names his wife Anna and dear brother Henrich as executors. The inventory of Henrich's estate lists a loan to Johannes's son Conrad. See Appendix III for more. Hilary J Rauch, June, 2000]

The children of Henry and wife (Peterson) were Frederick, Henry, John, Eli [no evidence for Eli, except as the daughter], George, and

[end of page 2]

Andrew, and a daughter who married a Mr. Berger [confused second generation, granddaughter Maria Elizabeth through Johannes married John Berger, see below] and moved West and are lost trace of.

[Children of Henrich Keck (Geck in earliest PA records)(e1710-1786) and Hanna Catherine (Peterson or Peters?):

  1. Johannes Keck b e1742 Salisbury Twp, Northampton, now Lehigh Co, PA d 1803 Salisbury Twp m Anna Margretha Miller.

  2. Georg Keck b e1744 Salisbury Twp d 1815 Westmoreland Co, PA m Catharina Helen Schaut.

  3. Henrich Keck (2nd) b e1746 Salisbury Twp d c1820 NC? m (2?)Elizabeth Clapp.

  4. Maria Elisabetha Keck b e1748 Salisbury Twp d unknown m Johannes Ritter

  5. Wilhelm Keck b 26 June 1751 Salisbury Twp d 11 July 1751.

  6. Andreas (Andrew) Keck b 10 Jan 1753 Salisbury Twp d 13 May 1828 Salisbury Twp m (1)1779 Barbara Blanck, (2) Susanna Shutz 7.

  7. Frederick (aka Conrad?) Keck b c1755 Salisbury Twp d 1823 Sharp's Chapel, Claiborne, TN m Claiborne Co, TN Mary Ann (Moser?) src: PA church records and Henrich's will dated 8 May 1786. Brian Keck, Hilary J Rauch, May, 2000, also see Appendix IV]

Frederick, Andrew, and George, sons of Henry Keck, 1st, were in the Revolutionary war in the battles of Germantown and Brandywine.

We have in our possession the services of Henry Keck [2nd, first and second generations confused] in the Revolutionary war, which we obtained from the librarian at Harrisburg, Pa., as follows:

To Whom It May Concern: I hereby certify to the services of Henry Keck in the war of the Revolution as follows: Henry Keck was a private soldier; enlisted February 26, 1777, in Captain Yost Driesback's company from Northampton county, Pa. First company of Baron de Ottendorff's corps. See Pennsylvania Archives, second series, Vol. XI, page 94.

[Henrich, the immigrant, would have been about 65 at the beginning of the Revolutionary War and not likely to have served in the Revolutionary War. In "Salisbury, Born the Year the Liberty Bell Was Hung and Rung - 1753", William LF Schmehl stated that during the French and Indian War, 1754-1763, when Provincial and British authorities advertised for 30 wagons from Northampton Co in 1758, the Constable of Salisbury Twp furnished a list of available wagons and horses being sent to Carlisle that included a wagon from Henry Keck. -- Hilary Rauch, November, 2000]

Frederick and Eli [Henry, not Eli] went to South Carolina after the Revolutionary war and are lost sight of. George also left after the close of the war about 1789. Henry married and settled in Salisbury township, on the Little Lehigh, where his descendants still live [This is true of Henry 1st but not likely his son Henry. See Appendices IV and VII]. He died in 1828 [does not fit more recently found evidence, son Andrew died in 1828]. John [grandson through Johannes, again confused second generation] married a daughter of Nicholas Uberath of Salisbury township, and moved on the old homestead. He died young and left three children who came to Allentown, where his descendants still live. [See Appendix V for son Johannes' children.] Andrew, after John's death, purchased the homestead and married Barbara Blank, and settled there and remained until his death in May 1828, (he was born 1752,) at the age of 76 years, leaving George, Solomon, Andrew, John, Jacob, David, and Charles and two daughters, Maria, wife of Solomon Knauss, and Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Horlacker. With the exception of Andrew who went to Indiana about 1840, they all settled in Salisbury township and Allentown. [Son Heinrich is missing from list, see Appendix X.]

In the war of 1812, George, son of Andrew, was second lieutenant in Peter Reich's cavalry company. John and David were in Abram Rinker's company.

Andrew Keck, son of Andrew Keck, married Rebecca Rothrack [Rothrock] in Pennsylvania in 1808, and lived near Allentown until 1840. [Andrew {13 Oct 1785 - 15 Oct 1859} and Rebecca {20 Aug 1786 - 5 Mar 1866} Keck are buried at the Rothrock II Cemetery, near Monticello, White County, Indiana. Dan Stevenson, August, 2000] To them were born ten children, Barbara, George, Elizabeth, Asenath, Mary, Joseph, [Andrew b c1822 scr: 1850 Federal Census, Dan Stevenson, August, 2000], Jonas, Rebecca [b c1829, 1850 Census], and Jacob [b c1830, 1850 Census]. All the children came West. George settled in Fairport, Iowa, Jonas in Tamera, Ill., the rest of the family have their home in Indiana. Joseph started West on coming of age, stopping in Ohio, and two years in Indianapolis, Ind., where he learned the cabinet maker's trade and in 1842 came to Washington, Iowa, where he married Elizabeth Jackson in 1844. They have a family of five children namely, Irving, Mary, Viola, Luella, and Charles, all of whom are married. The father [Joseph] died July 16, 1901, in Washington, Iowa. He was married three times; by his last marriage he had one daughter, Kathryn. He had been in the banking business many years; his son Charles is cashier in the bank, and resides in Washington, Iowa; Irving in Florida; Mary Simmons in St. Louis, Mo.; Viola Keck Phelps in Salt Lake, Utah; Luella Keck Crandall in Davenport, Iowa. Mr. [Joseph] Keck was a shrewd business man and acquired a good deal of this world's goods; was charitable. The cause of his death was apoplexy [stroke]. For three years he had softening of the brain and was unfit for business.

[end of page 3.]

(Paragraphs are reordered on this page.]

The big Lehigh springs where Henry Keck settled is now called Crystal Springs and it supplies the city of Allentown with 35,000 population. The city is divided by the Lehigh River. But the main part lies on the west side. The city is largely German. While there we met W.G. Keck, a nephew of David Keck, whose descendants held a reunion in Illinois a few years ago. He told me that they were descendants of Henry Keck. We were also informed that all the Kecks that went out from Allentown were descendants from this family as there had been no new importations to that place, so we can determine if we meet a Keck from there that he belongs to this Keck family. We now have written up about all we know of the branches of the first family with the exception of our great grandfather, George Keck, which we will now take up, and his family:

George Keck, son of Henry Keck, 1st, was born in Northampton county, Pa., about 1748, and in 1769 was married to Catharine Helen Shaub in the same county and lived there some twenty years. To them were born twelve sons and one daughter, ten of whom grew to manhood and womanhood as follows: Henry, born Jan. 17, 1770; Peter, born Dec. 10, 1771; Catherine, born April 12, 1774; Joseph, born Sept. 10, 1775; Abraham, born May 26, 1780; George, born March 10, 1783; Daniel born May 10, 1785; [Jacob, born April 5, 1787;] Isaac, born Jan. 9, 1789; Philip, born 1773; Christian, born 1782, died of smallpox in 1794.

It was his intention to leave Allentown after his marriage and go to Westmoreland county, Pa., then called the backwoods, and had made preparations to go, but was detained from going as the Revolutionary war was then threatening to break out and there would have been no safety from the Indians. He volunteered his services to the army of Washington and was in the battles of Germantown and Brandywine. At the close of the war about 1789, he removed with his family to Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pa., then almost a wilderness, with but a few settlers, where he commenced his farm in the woods, and upon which he raised his numerous family, and continued to live there until his death which occurred in 1816. His wife died some five or six years previous. He was a large man, six feet in height, while his wife was very small and could stand under his arms.

Before leaving Allentown, he bought a farm on the site of a battleground and in tearing down the cabin, to rebuild a new one, they found under the hearthstone a two gallon jar filled with gold and silver which they took with them to their new home. The ground around the place was strewn with accouterments of war such as canteens, powder horns, etc. The children were all born near Allentown before they came West, and all came with the parents. Isaac may have been born in Westmoreland county, as that was the year fixed for their removal West. The Keck homestead contained 150 acres and was six miles north of Greensburg, the county seat. When the writer first knew it there was a two story hewed log house, rather a double log house suitable for two families, a two story log spring house, a log barn, also a horse stable, and a still house on another part of the farm and was operated as late as 1840. There was also a large apple orchard and an abundance of pears and cherries.

The Lehigh County Pioneer History gives no account of George and Eli, but makes a blank of them and also a blank in the Revolutionary

[end of page 4]

services. As George Keck had left the [Lehigh] county about 100 years before the history was written, there was none to tell where he settled, or that he ever existed. [Joseph admits here that initially he had no knowledge of the second generation.]

We will now proceed to take up the children of George Keck and Catharine H. Shaub in the order they were born.

[Children of Georg Keck b e1744 Salisbury Twp d 1815 Westmoreland Co and Catharina Helen Shaub Keck

All children except Isaac were thought to be born in Salisbury Twp, Northhampton Co (divided from Bucks Co 1753), now Lehigh Co (est 1812), PA

  1. Henry b Jan 17, 1770 d Feb 1, 1813 Westmoreland Co m Catharine Gottleab

  2. Peter b Dec 10, 1771 d April 15, 1843 Mercer Co m Christina Smith

  3. Philip b May 1773 d May 27, 1808 Westmoreland Co m Ann Catherine Klingensmith d 1854 Clarion Co.

  4. Catherine b April 12, 1774 d April 12, 1862 Evansburg m (1) Mr. Dunmire d smallpox, (2) Frederick Everhart

  5. Joseph b Sept 10, 1775 d May 26, 1854 Mercer Co m Catherine Klingensmith.

  6. Abraham b May 26, 1780 d June 18, 1854 Mercer Co m Matalena Klingensmith.

  7. Christian b 1782 d 1794 smallpox Westmoreland Co.

  8. George b March 10, 1783 d 1861 Westmoreland Co m Catherine Sarah Snell.

  9. Daniel b May 10, 1785 d Jan 26, 1873 Mercer Co m Rebecca Haun.

  10. Jacob b April 5, 1787 d March 25, 1830 Mercer Co m Elizabeth Loutzenhiser.

  11. Isaac b Jan 6, 1789 d April 30, 1869 Westmoreland Co m Pheoba Smith.

two other sons lost when young. Src: Summary of manuscript. Church records show slightly different birth dates, order, and removal to Westmoreland Co. See Appendix VI. ]

Henry Keck the eldest son was born near Allentown, Pa., January 17, 1770 and died February 1, 1813 on the homestead. He married Catharine Gottleab in Westmoreland county, Pa., in 1798. She was born in 1784, and died Dec. 12, 1863 [in Hamilton, OH in 1900 version of manuscript]. She was but 14 years of age when she married. To them were born five sons and two daughters; namely: Esther Keck, born Jan. 31, 1799, died Feb 16, 1859; John, born May 4, 1801; died July 31, 1880; Henry, born April 14, 1804; died June 10, 1863; Samuel, born August 12, 1806; died Dec. 19, 1881; Peter, born Sept. 10, 1808; died July 1, 1832; George, born June 9, 1810; died Dec. 14, 1864; Elizabeth, born Nov. 15, 1812; died Feb. 4, 1833. The children were all born in Hempfield township.

[Children of Henry Keck b Jan 17, 1770 Salisbury Twp d Feb 1, 1813 Westmoreland Co and Catherine Gottleab Keck. All the children were born in Westmoreland Co, PA

  1. Ester b Jan 31,1799 d Feb 16, 1859 Westmoreland Co m Samuel Alshaus

  2. John b May 4, 1801 d July 31, 1880 buried Hamilton, OH m Mary Ann Wiley

  3. Henry b April 14, 1804 d June 10, 1863 Bentonsport, Van Buren Co, Iowa m Mary Ann Hardin {parents of J A Keck}

  4. Samuel b Aug 12, 1806 d Dec 19, 1881 Daartown, OH m Ann Lenhart

  5. Peter b Sept 10, 1808 d July 1, 1832 cholera Hamilton, OH m Miss Hale d cholera

  6. George b June 9, 1810 d Dec 14, 1864 Hamilton, OH m Ellen Long

  7. Elizabeth b Nov 15, 1812 d Feb 4, 1833 childbirth Greensburg, PA m Peter Rummel Src: summary of manuscript ]

Henry Keck [eldest son of Georg], after marriage, settled on the homestead [with the two-family log house] and afterwards became the owner of the farm, and his parents also lived there till death. His father [Georg] outlived his son Henry some three years. Henry was taken from his family in the prime of life, and was interred in the Brush Creek Cemetery. A few years after his death she [his widow, Catherine Gottleab Keck] was married to Frederick Shaffer, a widower with seven children, living one-half mile east of Greensburg. After her marriage, the children that were old enough, were put out to learn trades, and some were taken by the brothers, as it was not thought prudent to put the two families together. F. Shaffer owned a good farm, but the buildings were old. John was put in Mr. Carr's store in Greensburg; George learned the tanner's trade with Samuel Kuhns, in Greensburg; Peter the hatter's trade, and Henry the tailor's trade with Peter Rummel. Elizabeth was taken into the home of her uncle, George Keck, while Henry found a home with his uncle Isaac Keck until old enough to learn a trade, while Esther married Samuel Allshous a few years after her father's death. Of the early life of Catherine Gottleab Keck very little is known, as she never cared to talk about it. She had a sister and a brother. She had three children by Shaffer, Sallie, William, and Catherine, when she separated from him on account of his drink habit. She returned to the Keck homestead, taking her children with her. She lived there until her daughter Catherine was married to John Fry, when she went with them to Harrison City, a short distance away, and when they moved to Ohio in 1856, she accompanied them there. She made her home with them until her death. She died at her stepson's, Jacob Shaffer, while there on a visit and is interred in Greenwood cemetery. She was industrious, frugal, and a good woman. We always enjoyed a visit with her as she was so kind and attentive. She was of German descent. Her children all did well and were an honor to her.

Peter Keck, second son of George Keck and his wife Catherine, was born in Northampton county, Pa., Dec. 10, 1771, and was married to Christina Smith in Westmoreland county. He came with his family to Westmoreland about 1789, and moved to Mercer county, Pa., in 1797, and settled on a farm on the outskirts of Greenville, now known as the

[end of page 5]

Benninghoff farm, on which is located the rolling mills. They had a family of eight children, four sons and four daughters; namely, Benjamin, Amos, David, Joseph, Catherine, Hannah, Mary Ann, and Eliza. The boys never married, Benjamin went to Missouri and died there; David lives in Illinois; Eliza married Peter Seiple, and Mary Ann married Vincent Draper, and lives near Greenville. They have no children. All are dead but David, Eliza, and Mary. Peter Keck reached the age of 76 [72] and died April 5, 1843 at his home near Greenville. His wife was born in 1776, and died May 22, 1872. Their son Joseph died Dec 22, 1851, at the age of 33. Amos died Oct. 1, 1869, was born in 1833.

Philip Keck, third son of George and Catherine Keck, was born May 1773 in Northampton county, Pa., and in 1789, with his parents removed to Westmoreland county, Pa. where he married Ann Catherine Klingensmith [Klingerschmidt], Oct. 31, 1797, and settled on a farm near Greensburg, Pa., where he continued to live until his death which occurred May 27, 1808. She was born in Westmoreland county in 1776, and died in Clarion county, Pa., in 1854. Unto them were born six sons and a daughter, to wit: Elizabeth, Joseph, Philip, Solomon, George, David, and Conrad.

Mrs. [Ann Catherine Klingensmith] Keck when a child was in the blockhouse fort in Hannastown, three miles from Greensburg, during the destruction of the town by fire by the Indians, July 13, 1782, often rehearsing the terrible times to her children and grandchildren. It was the county seat at the time and was afterwards moved to Greensburg. After the death of her husband she continued to live on the homestead and care for her children. In 1818 she moved to Clarion county, Pa., with her three youngest children, George, David, and Conrad, first camping in the woods until she could procure a better home. She could make a hand at reaping, weaving, etc. This was the beginning of the Keck tribe in Clarion county, who endured many privations and hardships, and she showed a strong Christian spirit in keeping her children together and having them all brought up in the Lutheran church at an early age. She died at the home of her son Conrad at the age of 78 years and is interred in the Shannondale cemetery. The eldest child, Elizabeth, remained in Westmoreland county and was married to Peter Wanamaker, and had four sons and a daughter; namely, Solomon, Lewis, Jeremiah, Elias, and Flora. Joseph Keck, the eldest son of Philip Keck, married in Westmoreland and had two sons, William and Solomon. He went to Clarion county about 1822. His wife died and he married Rachel Vandeer. Philip Keck, Jr., married and had six sons and six daughters. He lived on a farm near Shannondale. The following are the names of the children: Mary, Caroline, Lucinda, Catherine, Agnes, Royal, Lewis, Henry, Peter, George, Uriah, and Gideon. Mary married David Klingensmith, lived on a farm four miles north of Greensburg. Solomon Keck, third son of Philip Keck, died in Westmoreland. county at the age of 17 years.

George Keck, son of Philip, born Sept. 9, 1804, married Susanna Yeany, had two sons and three daughters, and lived on a farm two miles east of Shannondale. David Keck, fifth son of Philip Keck, born June 9,1806, married Salome Minin, had one son and two daughters, Israel, Esther, and Elizabeth. He lived on the farm until 1855, sold out and moved near Brookville. He died Feb. 22, 1881, and was interred near his mother. Conrad Keck, the youngest son of Philip Keck, was born Oct. 15, 1807, was married to Magdalena Mohney, Sept. 4, 1835. To them were born nine children; namely: Catherine, Rachel, Solomon, Abraham, Benjamin, Jacob, Lydia, Philip, and Maria. They were all born on the farm one mile east of Shannondale, Pa. Catherine Keck married Solomon Stahlman

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and had five children as follows: Conrad, Aaron, Benjamin, Joseph, and Ida. Rachel Keck, second daughter, married Isaac Shaffer and had two [three?]sons and a daughter, Solomon, Abraham, Philip, and Lydia; all died young. Benjamin Keck, son of Conrad Keck, lives on the old homestead of his father, is married and has four children as follows: Ellen, Emma, Reed B., and Frank. Marie Keck, youngest daughter of Conrad Keck, was born in 1851 and married John H. Yeany, and have eight children, six sons and two daughters; live one mile north of Shannondale.

I.J. Keck, the youngest living son of Conrad Keck and Magdalena Mohney Keck, the writer of the Clarion county Keck tribe, to whom we are indebted for the writeup of the family of Philip Keck. It was the last missing link of the family of George Keck. I. Jacob Keck, was born in Clarion county, Pa., Oct. 12, l842, graduated at Iron City Commercial College in 1870, served in the 57th Pa. Regt. during the war of the rebellion. In 1874 he was married to Sadie M. Shannon a daughter of C.S. Shannon, the founder of Shannondale, Pa. They have one son living, Harry S. Keck, who graduated at Clarion State Normal at the age of 16, taught three years in the public schools in Clarion, Pa., and one year as principal of the Salem schools, was employed in the Second National Bank of Clarion, when he was unanimously elected cashier and put in charge of the Gold Standard Bank of Marionville, Pa.

I.J. Keck is now living in Clarion, Pa., serving his sixth year as commissioner's clerk of Clarion county. Was elected county surveyor and served two terms, was taken up in the Democratic convention last June again for county surveyor and elected by 600 majority, but refused to qualify or serve. With this we close the history of Philip Keck, one of the twelve sons of George Keck and Catherine H. Shaub Keck.

Catherine Keck, only daughter of George Keck and Catherine H. Shaub Keck, was born in Northampton county, Pa., in 1774, and came west with her parents in 1789 to Westmoreland county and was married to Mr. Dunmire in 1794. They only kept house four weeks when he took the smallpox and died. After his death they buried the bedding on which he lay to cleanse them of smallpox and then took them home to her father's and Christian, her twelve [seventeen] year old brother took the disease from sleeping on the bedding and died. She was married to Frederick Everhart in 1799, in Westmoreland county, and then moved to Mercer county, Pa., in 1800, and settled on a farm a few miles from Greenville. She was the mother of nine children by Everhart as follows: Polly, born in 1800, married Joseph Hoomer; Catherine, born 1802, married Peter Harnet, died Feb. 24, 1878; Paul, born 1804, married Hannah Hoomer; Priscilla, born 1806, married Joseph Koonce of Clarksville, Pa.; George, born 1808, married Rebecca Rice, died in Girard, Ohio; Abram, born 1810, married Susan Haywood in Middlesex, Pa.; Betsy, born l813, married Hugh McKay, lives in Evansburg, Pa.; Phoeba, born 1816, married Mathew Collins, lives in Espyville, Pa.; Maria, born 1823, died aged four years.

Catherine Keck Everhart was a hard working woman and she required the children to be busy about the work, as she thought that was the all important thing in life, and if the children wanted any favors they

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would go to the father for them as he was kind and indulgent to them. As they were in moderate circumstances they were obliged to work out, both boys and girls. Mrs. Everhart had the care of Henry Keck, son of Henry Keck and Elizabeth Klingensmith, until he was three years of age, after which he was taken by his father to Westmoreland county, Pa.

Mr. Everhart soon after going to Mercer county, operated the first pottery in Mercer county on his farm near Greenville, which he continued many years. Afterwards his son Paul carried on the business. Fred Everhart was in the war of 1812, from Mercer county, was drafted and served six months in the Mercer Blues as fifer of the company. They went to Erie to resist the invasion from the north and during his service he had his fingers frozen so that they were stiff all his life. He also had his feet frozen, as did many others. Later on he had his arm crushed in a rock quarry while at work so that it had to be amputated. They both lived to a good old age and died at the home of their daughter, Betsy McKay, at Evansburg. He died April 15, 1856; she died April 12, 1862. While east last summer we had the pleasure of visiting Mrs. McKay and also Mrs. Koonce who is in her 96th year and is bedridden since last spring with paralysis, but her mind was active. We received much of the family history from her.

Priscilla Everhart, daughter of Fred and Catherine Keck Everhart was born near Greenville, Pa., April 2, 1806, was married to Joseph Koonce in Mercer county, Pa., in 1824. To them were born 12 children as follows: Samuel Koonce, born April 4, 1825, died Oct. 1830; Catherine, born Aug. 29, 1826, still living; Jacob, born May 20, 1828, dead; Elizabeth, born June 30, 1831, living; Lydia, born Oct. 12, 1832, died in 1834; Nancy A., born June 17, 1834, living; Phoeba, born June 18, 1836, died Dec. 1883; Abraham, born April 12, 1838, living; Sarah, born March 27, l841, died Oct. 15, 1855; Emma J., born Aug. 29, 1843, married R. Hewitt; Henry M., born Dec. 11, 1845, living; Joseph M., born Feb. 20, 1847.

Mrs. Koonce has always lived in Mercer county until 1893 when she went to live with her daughter, Mrs. Emma Hewitt at. Orangeville, Ohio, and is in her 96th year. Emma J. Koonce married R.D. Hewitt July 28, 1861. To them were born two children, Elmer and Ellsworth. Elmer A. married Maggie Ferguson Dec. 27, 1883. Two children were born to them.

Joseph Keck, son of George Keck and Catherine H. Shaub, was born in Northampton county, Pa., Sept. 10, 1775 and came to Westmoreland county about 1789 and was married to Catherine Klingensmith in Westmoreland county in the fall of 1796. He with other land prospectors went to Mercer county and took a claim and put up a log house, then returned and was married, and in 1797 moved out and took possession of his new log house. The railroad junction, Shenango, is now on the farm on which he first settled. His brothers, Peter and Abraham, lived on adjoining farms, and lay on the west slope of the Shenango valley and was heavily timbered. The county was still wild with plenty of game and fish. It was 100 miles travel though the woods from Greensburg, most of the way without roads to speak of. Unto them were born ten children, eight sons and two daughters; namely: David, Elizabeth, Jacob, William, Esther, Joseph, George, John, Abraham, and Henry, the youngest of the family and from whom the facts relative to the family were obtained

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and who is the last living member of the family and lives in Greenville. We had the pleasure of visiting with him and his wife the past summer. He is a genial good fellow.

Joseph Keck was besides farming, actively engaged in business matters of the early upbuilding of that section of the country. He owned and operated a flouring mill where is now standing the three story brick mill of Mathers & Co., he also owned and laid out in town lots the most valuable part of Greenville known as Keck's addition Lot No. 1 is now occupied by L.L. Keck & Son where they have a large store room filled with choice goods and employ several clerks. L.L. Keck is a grandson of Joseph Keck. The sons of Joseph were all inclined to seek their fortunes in commercial pursuits. He donated the lots on which are located the Presbyterian and Methodist churches and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. He died at the home of his son Henry at the age of 79 years. He died May 26, 1854. His wife died June 17, 1847. We were entertained at the home of L.L. Keck and wife for a couple of weeks and we enjoyed our stay with them so much. They have a lovely home and entertain royally.

Abraham Keck, son of George Keck and Catherine I. Shaub, was born in Northampton county, Pa., May 26, 1780, and died in Mercer county, June 18, 1854. Was married to Matalena Klingensmith June 20, 1804, in Mercer county, Pa.; and settled on a farm adjoining his brother Peter on the south. They had a family of 17 children, of which eight daughters and three sons grew to manhood and womanhood as follows: George married Miss Roberts; Elias married Miss Brumstetter; David married Miss Elean Miller; Elizabeth married Solomon Bortz; Louisa married Rev. Sizer; Susan married Mr. Everhart of Greensburg; Rebecca married Mr. Free; Rachel married James Law; Emeline married Mr. Bortz; Euty married Mr. L. Shuble, and Catherine married Mr. McCoy.

The children are so widely scattered we cannot follow them. Matalena Klingensmith, daughter of Daniel Klingensmith, was born Aug. 19, 1788, and came with her parents to Mercer county in 1797. The family were pioneers and came from Westmoreland. He had three sons and three daughters, to wit: Peter, John, and Daniel, Jr.; Mary was married to Jacob Loutzenhiser; Catherine to Joseph Keck [,and Matalena to Abraham Keck]. John was the father of Elizabeth Klingensmith, the mother of Henry Keck.

George Keck, son of George Keck and Catherine H. Shaub, was born in Northampton county, Pa., March 10, 1783 and died in Westmoreland in 1861 [Jan 18, 1861 in 1900 version of manuscript]. He came west with his parents in 1789; he was married to Catherine Sarah Snell April 16, 1812, and owned and lived on a farm near his father's. They had no children but they took the youngest child, Elizabeth, of his brother Henry's, after his death and she made her home with them until she was married to Peter Rummel. After her death they took her son Henry Rummel to raise. His mother died while he was a babe. We said that they had no children, but he had a son George, through a liaison before his marriage to his wife. His son was married to Miss Hugus, and raised a large family. They kept hotel in Salem for many years. We always enjoyed a visit with Uncle George and Aunt Sally, as we called her. Her mother was a Rummel, and accounts for the care bestowed upon the mother and child of the Rummels. Mrs. Keck was born July 23, 1794, and died at the home of

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her adopted son, Henry Rummel, Feb. 9, 1888. They were a fine old couple, she was so kind and sweet in all her ways. Peace to their ashes.

Daniel Keck, son of George Keck and Catherine H. Shaub, was born near Allentown, Pa., May 10, 1785. His baptism certificate is held by Mrs. Daily, his daughter. He came to Westmoreland when a boy with his parents, and when he grew up he was married to Rebecca Haun and settled on a farm near Greenville, Pa., on Big Run. He and his brother Jacob came together to Mercer county some years after the other brothers, as they were still in their teens when the others came. Unto them were born eight children, five sons and three daughters, to wit: Sarah, George, Samuel, Lambert, Leah Ann, Levi, Ephraim, and Lydia. Samuel and Lambert died in early manhood. Ephraim was a soldier in the war of the rebellion and lost his life there. Sarah was born June 27, 1819, and married Martin Daily who died in Nebraska; was captain in the civil war. George married Jane Law, had one son Sylvester, postoffice, Leache Corner, Pa. Sylvester's address is Greenville, Pa. Levi Keck, born 1832, in Mercer county, Pa., lives in Maquoketa, Iowa, is a lawyer and married Amelia Mann, Feb. 6, 1867. To them were born Frank H.; he was born August 1, 1870; Lenetta, born April 14, 1876; Walter L., born Jan. 13, 1832. Frank H. Keck married Myrtie Nickerson, June, 1895; lives in Maquoketa, Iowa; Allie Keck died in infancy; Levi Keck is a full cousin to my father, Henry Keck. Lydia Keck married Henry M. Donaldson. To them were born two sons, Daniel and Harry. To Sarah Daily were born two sons and two daughters; to wit: Fletcher died in infancy, [unlisted son,] Theresa, and Cloe. Theresa married Albert McEldowney, now dead, no children living. Leah Ann Keck, daughter of Daniel Keck, not married makes her home with her sister, Mrs. Daily. Daniel Keck, the father, son of George Keck, died near Greenville on his farm Jan. 26, 1873. We visited Mrs. Daily and family the past summer and got a good deal of information from her of the Keck family. We also visited with Levi Keck at Maquoketa, Iowa. He is the only one of the Mercer county Kecks that we know of in Iowa.

Jacob Keck, son of George Keck and Catherine H. Shaub, was born in what is now Lehigh county, Pa., April 5, 1787 and died on his farm near Greenville, Pa., March 25, 1830. Was brought by his parents to Westmoreland county, Pa., in 1789, where he grew to manhood, when he and his brother Daniel went to Mercer county a few years after his brother went there and where he married Elizabeth Loutzenhiser and settled on a farm near his brother and sister, near Greenville. To them were born three sons and four daughters, namely: Elizabeth, Mary, Daniel, Isaac, Jacob, Anna, and Esther. Anna married Ross McLean; Mary married Mr. Powell, postoffice Mt. Cory, Ohio; Daniel married Maria Rice; Isaac married Evilen Spier; Jacob married and went to California and died there but left no children. Elizabeth McLean had a number of children among whom was Prof. A. C. McLean of Pittsburgh, Pa. Daniel Keck had two sons and three girl as follows: Isaac D. Keck, Frank, Sarah, Esther, and Julia. Isaac D. married a daughter of Jacob Loutzenhouser, postoffice Grove City, Pa.; Sarah married Davis C. Fuller; he was a soldier in the civil war; left no children; Frank Keck married a daughter of Charles Fry of Greenville; Esther married Alvin Foulk, now dead, had one daughter; Julia married Thomas Jaxtheimer, one son and daughter.

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Isaac Keck, youngest son of George Keck and Catherine H. Shaub, was born Jan. 9, 1789, about the time his parents moved to Westmoreland county, and died April 30, 1869; was married to Pheoba Smith in 1813. She was born March 1, 1795, and died June 15, 1862. To them were born twelve children as follows: Joseph, Isaac, George, Peter, Samuel, Israel, Elizabeth, Catherine, Mary Ann, Caroline, Leah, and Sarah. The children all remained in the county except Samuel and Leah. Samuel, after his marriage, moved to Greenville, Pa., and, remained there a few years and returned to Westmoreland, and there died a few years ago, 1899. Leah married A. Berlin and now lives in Kansas City, Kansas, at 116 Virginia Avenue. The parents owned and lived on his farm five miles north of Greensburg, until their death. We had the pleasure of visiting them frequently in their home, while we lived in Greensburg. He [Isaac] was of a social nature and was quite a conjuror, having the gift of stopping the flow of blood in man or beast and people would go for miles to him for relief. He was a short, heavy-set man, and as straight as an arrow. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, enlisting Sept. 16, 1812, for one year in the Greensburg volunteers, John B. Alexander as captain, Cris. Drum, 1st lieutenant, Richard Hardin, 1st sergeant and 45 others.

They were under Gen. Harrison and suffered untold hardships during the winter campaign for the relief of Fort Miegs. Some of the men had their hands and feet so badly frozen that they were crippled for life. Isaac Keck lived near his father's farm and had the care of my father when a boy until old enough to go and learn a trade. Mary Ann married Wanamaker and died July 4, 1899, in Greensburg; Caroline was married to Mr. Kepple. This is all we know of the family as we have lost track of most of them and this ends the history of George Keck and Catherine H. Shaub Keck and their children.

We will now take up the children of Henry Keck the Second (my grandfather)[Correction: Henry Keck, Joseph's grandfather, but the eldest son of Georg and Catharina Keck].

Esther Keck, the eldest of the family, was born in Westmoreland county, Pa. Jan. 31, 1799, and died Feb. 16, 1859. She was married to Samuel Allshouse [Alshaus] in Pennsylvania in 1815. He was born March 30, 1787, and died Oct. 4, 1867. Unto them were born thirteen children, as follows: Henry, born Jan. 27, 1816; Francis, born Oct. 16, 1817; Catherine, born Nov. 2, 1819; Betsy, born Nov. 5, 1821; Mary Ann, born Dec. 26, 1823; Esther, born Dec. 22, 1825; Reuben, born Nov. 27, [1827; Susan, born April 10, 1830; David, born March 18, 1832, scr:1900 version of manuscript]; Sarah, born Feb. 11, 1834; Elias, born March 25, 1836; Samuel, born Jan. 26, 1838; Amos, born Sept. 27, 1840. The last named died a prisoner of war.

Betsy [Alshouse] married Samuel Allwine, lives in the city of Greensburg and is quite wealthy; Sarah [Alshouse] married J. W. Maxwell, lives in Port Byron, Ill.; Esther [Alshouse] married Mr. Miller; Reuben [Alshouse] lives in New Derry, Pa.; David lives in Greensburg, Pa.; Samuel lives in Perry, Iowa.

Samuel Alshouse lived on his farm two miles west of Greensburg at what is now known as R[ade]baugh's Station. He was a carpenter and worked at his trade and was a rather quiet man. They kept up the German in their family longer than any of the rest.

The oldest son, Henry [Alshouse], started with his uncle, Henry Keck, from Pennsylvania for Iowa in March 1846, and disappeared in the night at Louisville, Ky., when the boat landed to discharge freight and passengers,

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and we suppose that he was drowned as that was the last seen of him. His baggage was on the boat and he left everything he had. His brother Samuel, who was a soldier in the civil war, says that he heard of a man in the Confederate army who answered his description, and thinks it was he. He had some trouble before he left home and told them they would see him no more.

John Keck, the eldest son of Henry Keck, the second [Correction: eldest son of Henry Keck, eldest son of Georg and Catharina Keck], was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., May 4, 1801, and died in Kentland, Indiana, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Eliza Urmston, July 31, 1880. His remains were brought to Greenwood cemetery, Hamilton, Ohio, and interred. He was twelve years old when his father died, and was put in. Mr. Carr's store in Greensburg, where he remained until he was 22 years of age. He was married to Mary Ann Wiley, June 20, 1822. They went to housekeeping in Greensburg and in October, 1822, moved to Mercer county, Pa. One of his uncles in Mercer county sent a man with a team to move him out there. His brothers Samuel and Henry went out with him. Henry had a team and Samuel drove the team that was sent to them and dismissed the driver. Henry with his team raised a crop of flax which they made into cloth. Mrs. Keck spun and wove it, and Henry, being a tailor, cut and made it up into clothing.

The distance they [John and Mary Ann Wiley Keck] had to move was 100 miles. They settled on the west bank of the Shenango river on the opposite side from Greenville, where they lived one year and then moved over to Greenville. He there owned a store, a farm, a coal bank, and nice town property; was the first justice of the peace; then elected Prothonotary [public notary?], and then moved to Mercer, the county seat, where he was instrumental in erecting a log church. He was a great student and a self-made man. He studied mathematics, and was elected county surveyor; studied medicine and got a diploma as an M. D.; he also studied law, was a geologist and a fine German scholar. He was often called into the courts to translate the German into English. He had so much writing to do that it produced enlargement of the bone on his right arm and suffered so much from the effects that he had to resort to opium to deaden the pain. About this time he became involved in business and left everything to his creditors and moved to Illinois, when, if he had stayed and seen the affairs straightened out, he might have saved a good deal of his property, but he let it all go. After leaving Greenville, he spent two years in Illinois, and then moved to Rossville, Ohio, where he kept the toll bridge between Rossville and Hamilton [on the Great Miami River]. He also kept books for his brother, George Keck & Co., and other firms until he became too old for business. He was bookkeeper for Black & Co. for fifteen years, his infirmities then preventing him from attending to business from that time until his death. He was tenderly cared for by his daughter, Lida Urmston. His golden wedding was celebrated on June 20, 1872, at Hamilton, Ohio, at which time valuable presents were given, and money, also, to the amount of $700. He was a kind father, a business man whose integrity was never disputed, and a Christian whose piety was never questioned by the church or the world. He had a family of eight children, namely: Lucinda, Addison Wiley, Henry Milton, Ann Eliza, Catherine Mary, Lucy Jane, Francis S., and Albert Cassius, [This was the Uncle John who recorded Georg's memory of his father, Henrich.]

Henry Milton Keck was at one time a traveling Methodist minister in the Cincinnati conference. He lives at Hamilton, Ohio, and teaches short-hand and typewriting. Lucinda, Addison Wiley, and Francis all died in infancy, were born and died in Greenville, Pa. Henry Milton, born

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July 12, 1829, at Greenville; Ann Eliza, born Oct 3, 1833; Catherine, born at Mercer, Pa., Dec. 26, 1833 [1835, src: H J Rauch]; Lucinda Jane, born March 4, 1837 at Mercer, Pa.; Albert Cassius, born Sept. 7, 1844, at Rossville, Ohio.

Catherine M. Keck, married E. L. Urmston, Sept. 3, 1851. To them wore born three children, namely: Mary G., born March 31, 1853; John, born Feb. 18, 1858; Charles L., born Jan. 16, 1860. They were all born in Ark. Catherine, their mother, died Sept. 4, l873 at Kentland, Ind. Ann Eliza Wilson, nee Keck [sister of Catherine Mary], married E. L. Urmston, Oct. 10, 1877; Henry M. Keck married Harriet Dunham, April 5, 1866; had one daughter, Liza Keck, born Jan. 5 1873. Harriet, his wife, died Nov. 13, 1878. He then married Bettie King, Sept. 25, 1879; one daughter, Lucy, born Sept. 20, l88l. Lucinda J. married S. W. Ludlow, Feb. 17, 187l; three children were born to them: Frank, born Jan. 13, 1860; John L., born Sept. 22, 1871; Carrie A., born Jan. 11, 1878; all born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Albert Cassius Keck married Mollie Farmer, Nov. 8, 1882, one daughter, Mary Etta, born Oct. 22, 1884.

Henry Keck was the second son of Henry Keck the Second [Correction: second son of Henry Keck, eldest son of Georg and Catharina Keck] and was born April 4 [14], 1804, in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pa., six miles north of Greensburg and one and one-half miles south of Harrison City. [This paragraph repeats the information inserted on page 5 and probably provided by Uncle John Keck.] He was quite young when deprived of his father. His mother a few years afterward married again, and the children were put out to different places. Henry was cared for by his uncle, Isaac Keck, until he was old enough to learn a trade. He was then taken by Peter Rummel to learn the tailor's trade. Afterwards Peter Rummel married his sister, Elizabeth. After learning the tailor's trade, Peter Rummel and he took a trip west, taking up several hundred acres of heavy timbered land near the present site of St. Joe, Michigan. Some years afterward he sold out his interest in the land to Rummel. When about eighteen years of age he helped move his brother John from Greensburg to Greenville, Mercer county, Pa., and while there formed an alliance with Elizabeth Klingensmith, and a son, Henry, was born Dec. 4, 1823. We do not know how long he remained there, but he farmed there one year. He took a team of horses with him. He was afterwards married to Mary Ann Hardin, Dec. 8, 1825, near Greensburg, Pa., and went to housekeeping on the [Georg] Keck homestead.

Mary Ann Hardin was the eldest daughter of Richard and Margaret Shaffer Hardin, and was born near Greensburg, Sept. 27, 1809. Her father was an Englishman and a soldier in the war of 1812, was first sergeant and quartermaster in the Greensburg Volunteers, enlisted on the 16th of Sept. 1812, for one year; John B. Alexander, Capt. The grandfather of Mary Hardin Keck was also named Richard Hardin, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, enlisted in Maryland, and after the war came with his family to Westmoreland county, Pa.

Henry Keck and wife, Mary Hardin Keck lived on the Keck homestead six years and four children were born to them: Anna Maria, Joseph A., Catherine Ann, and George W., who was three weeks old when they left and moved to Grapeville, where they remained a year in the butchering trade. They then removed to Greensburg where they remained one year in the same business. Alonzo Boise and family lived in the same house with them. They had been married but a short time before. Catherine Shaffer went to school that year in Greensburg and lived

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with her brother Henry. In the spring of 1834 he removed to the Frederick Shaffer farm one-half mile cast of Greensburg where he remained ten years in farming, teaming, and doing some butchering, mostly for his neighbors. His step-father, Fred Shaffer, lived with them a good part of the ten years, but his drink habit grew on him so they could endure him no longer. While he was in liquor he was abusive and cross. He then went and lived with his daughter, Peggy Sloan, in Greensburg where he died in 1846 and was interred in the German cemetery in Greensburg. During the time he [Henry Keck] lived on the Shaffer farm, he joined the Episcopal church in Greensburg. The children went to their Sunday school. About 1840 he attended a Methodist camp meeting near Greensburg, where he was converted, he and his wife joining the M.E. church. The members of the former church tried hard to keep him within their fold, but could not prevail. There was not enough religion to suit him. His wife [Mary Hardin Keck] was raised a Lutheran, but became converted while at home reading her Bible and seeking for the blessing of justification. The two older sons also joined the church at the same time. After spending ten years on the farm they removed to Greensburg where they formed a co-partnership with his brother-in-law, Simon Cort, in a meat market which continued for two years.

During the summer of 1845 he [Henry Keck, the second son of Henry Keck, eldest son of Georg and Catharina Keck] took a trip to Iowa, and he liked Iowa so well that he sold out and in March 1846, started for Iowa. He loaded up his goods in wagons for Pittsburgh and there took the boat down the Ohio, thence up the Mississippi to Keokuk. They stopped a day at Cincinnati and visited his brother George and half-brother, Wm. Shaffer. From Keokuk to Utica they traveled in wagons. While traveling on the river some of the family took down with the measles, and prevented him from going as far as he intended, his destination being Oskaloosa, Iowa. He stopped one year in Utica and during that time purchased the farm where Henry Keck now resides; eighty acres of prairie and eighty acres of timber land. He continued to live there until 1856, when he sold out to his son Henry and bought the county poor farm in Lee county, Iowa and moved there in the spring of 1856. He stayed there until the fall of 1861, when he sold out there and moved to Bentonsport into a property which he purchased from his son-in-law, M. B. Moore, and died there June 10, 1863. He had always been a strong, robust man until he was taken down with bilious fever and then a siege of fever and ague; this was the second year in Iowa. A few years afterwards he took a severe cold which developed into bronchitis. He was keeping public house at the time and was up a good deal at night waiting on customers, and was not able to do much afterwards. He was good company and loved to get off a joke. He was always a Democrat; was a Jackson man; and during the war was a Douglas or war Democrat, and was loyal to his country, which could not be said of all. He had two sons in the civil war who were veterans. John S. was promoted from private to 1st lieutenant, and Peter to 2nd lieutenant. They served until the close of the war. He also had quite a number of nephews in the Union army.

They had a family of fourteen children born to them, namely: Anna M., Joseph A., Catherine Ann, George W., John S., Peter H., Jane Mary, Sophia E., Lida B., Emma N., Simon C., Sarah E., Angenetta, and Richard H. The first born and the four last all died in infancy. The rest grew manhood and womanhood and all married except George W. Since then Emma S., John S., and Jane Mary have died; Joseph lives near the original Keck homestead; Peter H., in Des Moines, Iowa; George W., in

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Freeport, Cal.; Lida B., in San Jose, Cal.; Sophia E., in Donnelson, Iowa; and Henry lives on the Keck homestead. Catherine Ann lives with her daughter, Lizzie, at Van Wick, Idaho; the family of John S. live at Flandreau, S. D.; Jane Mary's family went to Oakley, Kans., where the children all married and scattered from their home, some in Texas and Colorado, while some are still in Kansas.

Mary Ann Hardin Keck was a small woman, but what she lacked in size she made up in energy. She was a hard worker, industrious and frugal, was a good mother and lived to see all her children settled around her. She was strictly religious, and no one ever doubted her piety. She strove to bring up her children in the fear of the Lord and was always at her post when able to attend divine service, and was a worker in the church and Sunday school. She continued to live in Bentonsport after her husband's death. Emma was still at home. After the close of the civil war John S. and Peter H. made their home with her until they were married. After John S. married she made her home with him, until released from her weary body and the spirit took its flight to God who gave it. She died in peace May 20, 1874, and was laid to rest beside her husband in the Bentonsport cemetery, there to wait the resurrection morn.

We missed her for her Godly counsel and the inspiration we received from her during her life, but her works still live.

Samuel Keck, the third son of Henry Keck the Second [Correction: third son of Henry Keck, eldest son of Georg and Catharina Keck], was born August 12, 1806. We have no knowledge that he was put out to learn a trade, or where he spent his younger days. After his father's death, the first account we have of him is when he went with his brother John to Greenville, Mercer county, at the age of sixteen, and do not know how long he remained there. After his brother Henry married, he made his home with him. Brother Henry remembers sleeping with him.

He was married to Ann Lenhart, Jan. 29, 1829. The Lenhart farm joined the Keck farm on the north. She was born Oct. 13, 1807 and went to housekeeping on the Keck homestead [in Mercer Co] where there were two dwelling houses. He and his brother Henry, farmed the place for three years, when his brother left and he continued to live there until April 1855, when he sold out and removed to Ohio, where he bought a farm near Daartown some eight miles from Hamilton, Ohio. He remained here until his death Dec. 19, 1881. His wife died in Washington, D. C., in 1896, and the remains were taken back to Daartown and laid to rest beside those of her husband.

There was a still house on the Keck farm and Samuel operated it for a number of years. There was a large apple orchard on the place together with pears and cherries in abundance. He made whiskey, apple and peach brandy, and fed the slops to cattle and hogs. He was a genial, jolly good fellow, of even temperament, but during his later years he was a great sufferer from rheumatism.

Unto them were born eight children as follows: Lebbeus, Josiah, Ellen, Sarah C., Henry R., Maria, David W., and George. Josiah married Ellen Lamb and had eight children, postoffice Daartown, Ohio; Ellen married W. Kendall, postoffice Washington, D. C.; Henry R., killed in the civil war in 1864; Sarah married A. Taylor, died in 1882; David

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married Mary Morton, clerk at Washington, D. C.; Maria, single, Washington, D. C.

After Samuel's death, the farm was sold and Mrs. Keck and Maria went to live with Mrs. Kendall in Hamilton, Ohio, and after Mr. Kendall's death in 1887, they went on a visit to Washington, D. C., and while there Mrs. Keck died. Maria and Ellen still live there. We visited with them quite frequently while they lived in Pennsylvania, and twice in Ohio; the last time was in 1876.

Peter Keck, the fourth son of Henry Keck the Second [Correction: fourth son of Henry Keck, eldest son of Georg and Catharina Keck], was born in 1808. Of him we know but little; he died when but 21 years old. He was the first of the family to go to Ohio. He went to Hamilton and there married a daughter of Col. Hale of Cincinnati, Ohio. It was while there on a visit to her parents in 1832 that they both took the cholera and died within two days of each other. Her mother also died of the cholera within a few days and all were interred in Catherine St. cemetery. We do not know in what business he was engaged or when he went to Ohio. His brother John speaks of him as well beloved brother. We have been told that after his death his brother George went west and settled up his business. They had no children.

George Keck, the youngest son of Henry Keck the Second [Correction: youngest son of Henry Keck, eldest son of Georg and Catharina Keck], was born on the Keck homestead, June 9, 1810. While still quite young he was put out to learn the tanner's trade with Samuel Kuhns in Greensburg. After learning the trade he went to Hamilton, Ohio, where he engaged in business under the firm name of Keck & Shuey, and afterwards moved to Cincinnati where he carried on a grocery store and pork packing establishment. Wm. Shaffer, his half-brother, was associated with him in the business there, and they were very successful, accumulating a good deal of wealth. He was a fine business man and ranked high as a citizen. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, of school boards, and was president of various banks, and was a member of the legislature of Ohio at the time of his death which occurred Dec. 14, 1864.

He was loyal to his country, and gave freely to support the soldiers and their families. At one time when the city was threatened by the Confederates, he furnished a large quantity of boiled hams to feed the soldiers who were defending the city. He was missed greatly after his untimely death. While on a visit to friends in Pennsylvania, he prevailed on his mother to let Sallie Shaffer accompany him home, where she died a few years afterwards. It nearly broke the mother's heart when she received the news of her death. He was married to Ellen Long of Cincinnati, Ohio, April 22, 1834. Unto them were born six children, namely: Cassius, Virginia, Sarah, Jos[iah], George, and Ellen. Sarah married Cal Thomas, [now] dead; Josiah married Samantha Bradley; George married Pauline Harrison; Ellen married Van Voorheis, postoffice, Boston, Mass.

Ellen Long, wife of George Keck, was born Feb, 27, 1811, and died Nov. 10, 1887, at the home of her son George, in Cincinnati, Ohio. She was the mother of six children, two of whom died in infancy, Cassius and Virginia. Josiah L., born Jan. 26, 1835, at Rossville, Ohio; Sarah C., born July 28, 1837, at Rossville, Ohio; George W., born Feb. 2, 1840, at Rossville, Ohio; Ellen Francis, born May 24, 1849, at Cincinnati, Ohio. All are dead except Josiah L. and Ellen Francis. Josiah Keck had a

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family of five children, to wit: Ella, Clara, George, Briggs, and Mary; live at Kearny, Nebraska.

Elizabeth Keck, the youngest child of Henry Keck the second [Correction: child of Henry, eldest son of Georg and Catharina Keck], was born Nov. 15, 1812, and died, in Greensburg, Feb. 4, 1833. The year after she was born her father died and she was taken into the home of her uncle George Keck, where she remained until her marriage with Peter Rummel in 1830. Unto them were born two children, Henry and Frances, the last named dying at the age of five months. Peter Rummel (father) was born May 10, 1794, and died at Salem, Pa., Nov. 11,1869. She died two days after giving birth to Francis. Peter Rummel married again and had one heir. He was a merchant tailor, was always dressed up very neatly, had a good trade and laid up a good deal. He was rather quiet, but when aroused he became quite animated. We visited him about a year before he died. His son, Henry Rummel, was born May 1, 1831, and died Nov. 17, 1899, at Nihil, Pa. He was married to Mare Bush July 28, l853. Unto them were born seven children, namely: Sarah C., George K., Susan E., Lida E., Henry E., Anna M., and William John.

Sarah married M. Cline; George married Sarah King; Lida married George Helman; Susan married R. Lemon; Henry E. married Carrie Hill.

Wm. Shaffer, a half-brother of the Kecks, was born on the Shaffer homestead one-half mile east of Greensburg, Pa., May 7, 1819, and died very suddenly Oct. 21, 1893 of Bright's disease at the home of his daughter, Ella S. Huntington, in Cincinnati, while there on a visit. He lived on the Shaffer homestead until he was 11 years old and went with his mother and two sisters, Sallie and Catherine, to the Keck homestead, where he went to school at Harrison City, and after he was old enough to learn a trade, his uncle John Sloan took him to learn the blacksmith's trade. His uncle was then running a shop at the Eicher stand, but soon afterwards moved to Greensburg and built a shop and house and carried on the business there. We remember Uncle William well when he was learning his trade, as father was then living on the Shaffer homestead and John Sloan was living on part of the farm. His father-in-law gave him one acre of ground on which to build. William was our first Santa Claus that I can remember. He was dressed up in a cow hide with the horns on and a bell. He had nuts, apples, candy, etc. We also remember of his being at the wedding of Uncle and Aunt Sophie Cart and playing the game of odd and even with him. He was a great lover of sport and always enjoyed himself wherever he was. After learning his trade he went to Ohio with his uncle John Shaffer and Aunt Sarver, and stopped in Hamilton, Ohio, where he connected himself with Keck & Shuey. He ran a canal boat, and was captain of the boat when he met with a loss of five hundred dollars on one of his trips. It was stolen from him out of the boat and it grieved him very much as he had but recently started in business.

Afterwards they were in the grocery trade and pork packing business in Cincinnati and were quite successful. He was a member of the board of trade at Cincinnati and stood high as a business man. He was married to Susan A. Lewis July 31, 1845, at Hamilton, Ohio. She was born Nov. 11, 1824, in New Jersey, and died in Hamilton, Ohio, May 29, 1894. About the time his daughter Sallie died, in 1863, he became converted and joined the Congregational church and led a strictly religious life; was an active member of the church, very charitable and

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sociable, and made much of his kin folks. At his death his family was bereft of a kind husband and father and safe counselor; the busy marts of trade missed his smiling face; the church an active member; and society a shining light.

They had a family of ten children as follows: Sarah C., born August 9, 1846, died Oct. 2, 1863; Ella K., born Dec. 18, 1848; Nettie J., born Nov. 9, 1851; Lewis W., born Nov. 9, 1854, died Feb. 7, 1898; Frank H., born March 31, 1857; Fred David, born Nov. 20, 1859; Stanley, born Oct. 5, 1861; Willa and Susan, twins, born Oct. 25, 1873, died in infancy; Grace G., born Dec. 22, l868. Ella K., married Chas. L. Huntington, Oct. 7, 1869, had three children; Hyde died in infancy; Ruth, born Oct. 18, 1873; Eleanor, born March 19, 1883. Lewis W. Shaffer married Sarah Smith, died Feb. 7, 1898; no children. Frank H. Shaffer married Alecia Bakewell Sept, 25, 1883; born to them four children, to wit: Lucy K., Anna B., Susan A., and Frank H. Grace G. Shaffer married J. R. Belden April 19, 1897.

Catherine Shaffer, the youngest daughter of F. [Frederick] and Catherine Keck Shaffer, born near Greensburg, Pa., Oct. 4, 1823, and went to the Keck homestead with her mother when she separated from Shaffer on account of his drink habit and cruelty. She was married to John Fry Nov. 21, 1843, in Pennsylvania. After their marriage they moved to Harrison City where he worked at the carpenter's trade until 1856, when they moved to Hamilton, Ohio, on a farm of her brother, Wm. Shaffer, and lived there several years when her brother bought a farm near Reiley, O., and gave it to her while she lived. Her husband was not in good health and was not successful in business, and died in 1899. She is the only living aunt left. They had a family of ten children as follows: Mary married Wm. Cone, postoffice Glendale, Ohio; Sallie and Rushie [Ruthie ?] died in infancy; Nettie, postoffice Decatur, Ill.; Samuel, widower at home of parents; Jennie, postoffice Hamilton, Ill.; Manta, single at home; George married Mary Riddle, Springdale, Ohio; and Gertrude, single at home. Catherine Shaffer has since died - Feb. 6, 1901.

Joseph Keck [son of Georg and Catharine Keck, first discussed on pages 8 and 9] was born Sept. 10, 1775, died May 26, 1854; was married to Catherine Klingensmith in 1796, who died June 17, 1847. Unto them were born David, who died in infancy; Elizabeth married Levi Moffit, July 29, 1824, died March 29, 1838; Jacob married Sarah Smith died aged 35, no children; William, born Feb. 29, 1808, died April 27, 1871, married Hannah A. Sheriff; Esther, born August 1810, died April 18, 1889, married Hugh Bean Feb. 1, 1827; Joseph died at the age of 17 years; George, born May 15, 1814, died July 11, 1873, never married; John, born Sept. 5, 1816, died Sept. 7, 1885 married T. Osmon Sept. 24, 1839; Abraham married Catherine Caringer, died, aged 80 years; Henry, born March 26, 1823, married Sarah Hardy.

We will now take up the children of Joseph Keck and their families. Elizabeth Keck Moffitt was the mother of the following children that grew up to manhood and womanhood: Joseph, Julia, Elliott, John, and Lucinda. John was successful in making money, married and lived in Oakland and had no children. Lucinda married Mr. Fairbanks, a banker, and lives in Petulana, California; Julia married Mr. Graves, lived at Ottumwa, Iowa; Esther Keck married Hugh Bean; she was born in Greenville, Pa., August 1810. She was the mother of twelve children;

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ten of them grew up to manhood and womanhood, as follows: Joseph, Malinda, Bettie, William, George, Edward, John, Annie, Richard, and Emma; Charles and Gilmore died in infancy. Mrs. Bean was noted for her great kindness of heart. They kept hotel the most of their lives at different places, and were very successful. She was a member of the Lutheran church for many years. They both died at Wellsville, Ohio. He died in 1874, while she died April l8, 1889.

Joseph [Bean], the oldest child, died in early manhood. [Ma]Linda Bean married Henry McKinnie, who died in Sewickley, Pa., Oct. 1, 1899. They also were in the hotel business and amassed quite a fortune. In his will he left everything to his wife who keeps the Hotel Anderson in Pittsburgh, Pa., and is assisted by her eldest son, Frank Bean [McKinnie]. They had four children, namely Frank, Esther, William, and George, who died in early manhood. Frank Bean [McKinnie] married Addie Orff of Fort Wayne, Ind., Nov. 17, 1830. They have two sons, Henry and Hugh and a daughter, Esther, who died at the age of 12 years.

Esther, daughter of Henry and Linda McKinnie, married Dr. Frank Bingaman of Pittsburgh, Nov. 17, 1880. She lived but a few years after marriage. Her life went out with their little child, but a few days old.

William McKinnie, son of Linda, married in Fort Wayne, Ind., and has four children. He is also in the hotel business. Bettie Bean, daughter of Hugh and Esther Keck Bean, was married to John Thomas. She died early in life leaving one son, Hugh Thomas, who married Lucia Robinson of Cleveland, Ohio, April 2, 1891; they have two children. Wm. Bean never married; has charge of the eating house in Wellsville, Ohio.

Hugh [George?] Bean married Belle Fraser of Wellsville, Ohio; no children. He served in the civil war and was wounded in battle. They are now living in Quickley. He also was keeping hotel in Chicago. Eddie Bean never married. At the time of his death, a few years since, he was in co-partnership with Mr. McKinnie in the Hotel Anderson in Pittsburgh. He left his fortune to his brother and sister, William and Emma. Jno.[John] Bean married Mary Hardman of Wellsville. They had one son, Eddy; the mother died young. Anna Bean married John B. McKim. They have three children, Romaine, Walter, and Emma.

Richard Bean married Fannie Whittaker of Wellsville. They had two children who died in infancy. He is now assisting Frank McKinnie at the Hotel Anderson in Pittsburgh. Emma Bean, the youngest of the family is unmarried. She makes her home with her sister Mrs. McKinnie at Pittsburgh.

We will now take up the family of William Keck, son of Joseph Keck and Catherine Klingensmith. William Keck was born Feb. 29, l808, on his father's farm just below Shenango, Pa.; was married to Harriet Asberry Sheriff in 1839. To them wore born three children as follows: Lewis L. Keck, born Jan.30, 1840; William A. Keck, born March 8, 1842; Sarah Eleanor Keck, born in Georgetown, August 26, 1845. William Keck, Sr., learned the wool carder's trade. Soon after he clerked in a store in New Castle, Pa. Some time after he formed a partnership with Mr. Zigler in the dry goods trade in Harmony, Pa. He afterwards moved back to New Castle and then to Sheakleyville, where he continued in the dry goods trade. He moved to Greenville, Pa., in 1847, where he was still engaged in the dry goods business. He was postmaster in Greenville for ten years, the first appointment being from President

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Lincoln. He died April 27, 1871, in the middle of his third term.

William Keck was a man of few words. His word was never doubted and he was held in high esteem by the entire community. His widow is yet living at the good old age of 82 years. Her daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Morgan, and herself live together in Greenville, Pa.

Lewis L. Keck, son of William and Harriet A. Keck, the eldest son, was born in Harmony, Pa., Jan. 30, 1840. He was taken by his parents to Greenville when seven years of age. He received his education in the schools and Academy in Greenville. At the age of 16 he entered the store of Root & Hoge, where he remained some two years, when he accepted an offer to enter the store of Keck & Achre at Clarksville, Pa., where he remained for one year when an offer of better wages took him to Greenville in the store of Chas. McMichael, were he remained until the death of Mr. McMichael in 1864, when the stock of goods was purchased by his uncle, Henry Keck, who gave him an interest in one-half of the profits of the new firm of H. & L.L. Keck. On June 5, 1866, Lewis L. Keck married Felicia Loutzenhiser, who was born Oct. 4, 1845. To them were born three children, namely: Harry Loutzenhiser Keck, Florence Emma Keck, and Frederick Asberry Keck.

L.L. Keck, wife and children are all members of the Presbyterian church, of which he is one of the elders. About the year, 1877, the business firm of H. & L.L. Keck was dissolved, H. Keck, retiring. The business was continued under the firm name of L.L. Keck & Brother, until 1877, when L.L. Keck retired from active business for a period of five years on account of delicate health. Again in the spring of 1882, L.L. Keck opened a new store and for five years he was assisted in his work by his son Fred A., who now has a partnership, and upon whom devolves a large share of the responsibility of their successful business.

Mrs. L.L. Keck was the youngest daughter of David and Euty Loutzenhiser, who were among the early pioneers and were formerly from Westmoreland county, Pa.

Harry L. Keck, eldest son of L.L. Keck and Felicia Loutzenhiser Keck; was born in Greenville, Pa., May 12, 1867; was married to Miss Florence Shrom Oct. 6, 1892. To this union were born two children, to wit: Robert Lewis Keck, born May 22, 1895, and Harriet Evelin Keck, born May 21, 1896.

Harry L. Keck, son of L.L., had his education in the graded schools and Thiel college in Greenville, where he graduated in June 1888, and was the valedictorian of his class. After spending a year in the law office of Hon. Samuel Griffith in Mercer, Pa., he spent two years in the law department of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, but did not graduate. Was admitted to the bar of Mercer county in July 1891, and has been admitted to practice in all surrounding counties, as well as the supreme and superior counts of the state and also in the United States district court for the western district of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the I.O.O.F.; was a delegate to the grand lodge in 1901; is also a Knight of Pythias and a member of the Elks, besides belonging to several other fraternal organizations. His success in his chosen profession has been above the average. He is held in high esteem for his social qualities, attends strictly to business,

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and we predict a bright future for him.

Florence Emma Keck, the beloved daughter of L.L. and Felicia Keck, was born in Greenville, Feb. 19, 1869. She graduated from the Greenville High School May 13, 1887. She then took up the Chautauqua studies and graduated in August 1891. She was married to Dr. Clarence W. McElhaney, Dec. 25, l894. To them were born Kathryn McElhaney, August 3, 1896, and Lewis Keck McElhaney, Dec. 1, 1899. Dr. Clarence W. McElhaney is a son of Dr. M. J. McElhaney of Greenville, Pa. The young doctor is a graduate of the medical department of the Western Reserve University at Cleveland, O. He lived about three years in Doylestown, Ohio, where he followed his profession with good success. In 1897 he decided to open his office in Greenville. This was brought about by the failing health of his father. He has a good practice in Greenville. They live with her father, L.L. Keck, and make a lovely family. They are all so kind and attentive. We spent a couple of weeks in their home and we speak of what we know. The doctor and wife are members of the Presbyterian church.

Frederick Asberry Keck, youngest child of L.L. and Felicia Keck, was born in Greenville, April 19, 1871; was married to Miss Alice Voorhees Seitz, Sept. 29, 1897. To this union was born one daughter, Elizabeth Keck, on Feb. 7, 1899. He received his education in the schools of Greenville and Thiel College. He quit college just as he was about to enter the senior class and entered the dry goods store of his father, he having decided to seek his fortune in commercial ways. His first step was to enter Duff's Commercial College at Pittsburgh, where he graduated and he is now a partner with his father in the dry goods trade at 171-173 Main Street.

William A. Keck, son of William [and Harriet] Asberry Keck, was born in New Castle, Pa., March 8, 1842. His schooling was had in the schools and academy of Greenville. At the age of 18 he entered the store of Chas. Hoge as a clerk, where he remained till he enlisted as a volunteer in the 145th regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers. He was taken prisoner and held in Libby prison until paroled; was wounded during the battle of the Wilderness, a ball passing through his shoulder, from which he still suffers. At the close of the war he returned home and engaged in the store of H. & L. L. Keck, in which place he remained, taking a partnership on the retirement of his uncle Henry. The new firm name was L. L. Keck & Brother, which continued until May 1871, L. L. Keck retiring on account of failing health. William A. Keck was married to Miss Emma Stinson, daughter of James Stinson, May 2, 1871. To them wore born three daughters as follows: Harriet A., born Oct. 2, 1872; Clara L., born Jan. 18, 1880; and Emma M., born May 6, 1885. Harriet A. was married to Chas. B. Shrom Dec. 17, 1895.

W. A. Keck is still in the dry goods trade at 212 Main street, in which he has been for some twenty years and he is one of the reliable stores of the place. W. A. Keck and wife and all the children are members of the Presbyterian church, of which he is one of the ruling elders.

Sarah E. Keck, the third and last child born to William and Harriet A. Keck, was born August 26, 1845, in Georgetown, Pa. Her parents shortly afterwards moved to Greenville, Pa., where she still resides.

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She was her father's assistant in the postoffice for some years. In the spring of 1871, on the death of her father, she was appointed postmistress by President Grant for four years. She was married Sept. 24, 1878, to James Morgan, and moved to Bradford, Pa., and later on to Warren, Pa., where Mr. Morgan was engaged in the oil business. He was a soldier in the war of the rebellion and died in Pittsburgh, Pa., in Feb. 1899. She had no children. She and her mother live together in Greenville. She is also a member of the Presbyterian church and was a member of the board of Mercer county World's Fair Managers.

John Keck, son of Joseph Keck, was born near Greenville, Sept. 5, 1816. His education was had in the log school houses, as at that time afforded, but he secured enough to qualify himself for a clerkship with Robert Cochran in a dry goods store. While here employed he was married to Teressa Osmon, daughter of Capt. Osmon, Sept. 24, 1839. To them were born five children; one son and a daughter died in infancy. George O. was born in Georgetown, Pa., Feb. 15, 1842; James M., born in the same place July 5, 1843; Wm. D. born July 7, 1850, in Greenville. In 1846 John Keck moved to Greenville where he continued in the dry goods trade. For many years the firm of J. & H. Keck was one of the leading stores in Mercer county. In later years the firm was J. Keck & Son, George O., being partner. John Keck & Son retired from the dry goods trade and bought out the banking firm of Achre, Wick & Co., which was changed to a national bank, with John Keck as president and which position he held to the time of his death which occurred Sept. 7, 1885. Mrs. Keck still lives at the age of 83 years. They were both members of the M. E. church.

George Osmon Keck, son of John and Teressa Keck, was born Feb. 15, 1842, and died August 12, 1887; was married to Miss Louisa Allison, daughter of Hon. John Allison. Unto them were born the following children: John Allison Keck, born Nov. 7, 1870; Charles Clifford Keck, born Dec. 20, 1873; George Osmon Keck, Jr. born Sept. 15, 1875. They were all born in Greenville, where all are living, with the exception of Clifford, who resides in New Brighton, Beaver county, Pa.

John Allison Keck was married to Clara Vaughn March 6, 1901. He has the finest shoe store in Greenville. George Osmon Keck, Jr., is a doctor of medicine and passed the examination for the U. S. Army Service and received an appointment in the west. Charles C. Keck is cashier of a banking house in New Brighton, Pa. Mrs. Teressa Keck, after her husband's death was appointed. postmistress of the Greenville postoffice for a full term. They were both members of the M. E. church. He was a volunteer soldier in the war of the rebellion, but received his discharge on account of sickness.

James Madison Keck, son of John and Teressa Keck, and grandson of Joseph Keck, was born July 5, 1843. He was a volunteer soldier in the 63d regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers. After the war he was engaged as a salesman in New York City. He was married to Ida Sullivan of Tiffin, Ohio, March 1, 1882. She died Jan. 16, 1892, leaving no issue. He is not now engaged in any business, but has a nice cozy cottage on the lake, where he spends a good deal of his time fishing. We had the pleasure of an outing with him during the summer of 1901, in company with L.L. Keck and our brother Henry. He makes his home with his mother in Greenville, Pa. He is a Mason and Knight Templar.

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John [William, not John] Davis Keck, son of John & Teressa Keck, was born in Greenville, Pa., July 7, 1850. He was married to Miss Eva Stewart of Mercer, Sept. 18, 1878. Two children were born to this union: J. Madison and Louise Keck.

Wm. D. Keck, after completing his education, took a clerkship in the store of his father and brother, John Keck & Son, and later at the head of the dry goods firm of Keck & Derickson, and in a few years became sole proprietor. He is a director of the Greenville National Bank and a member of the U.P. church.

George Keck, son of Joseph Keck, was born near Greenville, May 15, 1814; died July 11, 1873, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He never married, but lived several years with his sister, Mrs. Hugh Bean. He spent many years in California and while there fell in with George W. Keck, a brother of the writer, and they were together a good many years. We remember of his visiting my father's family in Greensburg, Pa., in about 1840. He had been east with a drove of horses.

Abraham Keck, son of Joseph Keck, was born near Greenville and married Catherine Caringer [Carrier?]. To them were born five children who grew to manhood and womanhood as follows: Esther, Sarah, John, Malinda, and Judson. His wife died when the children were small. Esther was given a home with her aunt, Mrs. Morford; John was taken by his uncle John Keck; Malinda and Judson, the babes were taken by their uncle Henry Keck; and Sarah was given a home with her uncle Wm. Keck. Esther married a Mr. Carruthers. They have several children and live in Ravenna, Ohio. Sarah married George Williams. They have five children and live in Chanute, Kansas. John went to Texas and settled there. Malinda married Mr. P. Deverell. They have six children and live in Claremont, Virgina.

Judson Keck, son of Abraham Keck, married and lives in Wellsville, Ohio. They have three children. Abraham Keck, after the death of his wife, took a clerkship in the store of J. & H. Keck, where be remained many years. He married a second wife, Mary Greenswalt, and moved on his farm near Mt. Cory, Ohio, where he spent his latter days and died at the age of 80 years. He was a member of the M.E. church. The writer was somewhat acquainted with him, as he visited us while in Westmoreland county, Pa. He lost the sight of one of his eyes when we just knew him.

Henry Keck, the youngest son of Joseph Keck, was born near Orangeville, Ohio, March 26, 1823, where his father was then living, owning and running a flouring mill. He married Sarah Hardy of Erie county, Pa. She was a daughter of John Hardy. Henry and Sarah have no children, but they took to their home two of the children, Malinda and Judson, of his brother Abraham, after the death of his wife. To those children they became greatly attached. Henry Keck spent most of his life in the dry goods trade. He was for many years associated as partner with his brother John, and later on he had for his partner Lewis L. Keck. It was during this partnership that the store room was built on lot No. 1, in Joseph Keck's addition to Greenville, in about 1866 or 1867, and there L.L. Keck and son Fred are now located.

Henry Keck has not been engaged for some years in active business life, having invested his means in houses and lots in Greenville, and is

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now so situated that he can take his ease and comfort from the rental of the same. He inherited, to a large degree, the firm and independent manner of thought and expression of the Keck race, for he is quick to speak his mind on all public questions, nor fearful of public condemnation, and being such a man is more respected. Henry Keck and wife are, and have been for many years, members of the M.E. church, in which both are active workers. He has been class leader for many years. She has been an invalid for many years and at present is a great sufferer. Yet she is patient and calm, with it all, while he is a devoted husband to her. We enjoyed their hospitality while there on a visit and have a warm place for them in our heart.

This concludes the family of Joseph Keck and Catherine Klingensmith, and also all we have of the Mercer county Keck family of the five brothers and sister, who settled there as pioneers. It seeing that they were mostly religiously inclined and members of the different churches. They were also strong republicans, have good homes, and are held in high esteem by all.

We will now take up the family of Henry Keck and Mary A. Hardin, who had fourteen children born to them, of which the first born and the four last born all died in infancy. The first was born and died in Pennsylvania while the four others were born and died in Iowa.

Joseph A. Keck was the eldest son of Henry Keck and Mary Ann Hardin, who was born on the Keck homestead in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pa, Dec. 9, 1827, where he remained until March 1846. During that time his parents lived four years on the Keck homestead, one year in Grapeville, three years in Greensburg, and ten years on a farm one-half mile east of Greensburg. He had his education in the public schools, part in the district school and part in the schools in Greensburg, while the most of the time was spent on the farm. In the spring of 1846, he accompanied his parents to Van Buren county, Iowa, and settled near Utica, where he engaged in farming and running threshing machines, until he reached his majority. In the spring of 1850, in company with his brother Henry, and others, he took up the overland trail, with an ox team for the land of gold, and after traveling for four months reached California, and after disposing of our team, engaged in mining on the American river, Auburn, Todd's Valley, and Indian Canyon, and was reasonably successful. In June 1852, he started for the states, as we then called it. While on the way the cholera broke out on the vessel, after leaving the Isthmus of Panama, and about one-fourth of the passengers and crew died with the disease. The ship put in to Havana for supplies. We ran into the harbor of Havana and a health officer came aboard and finding out our condition gave orders to get outside the harbor as soon as possible, or they would turn the guns of Moro Castle onto us, and also not to bury any of the dead in the harbor; and they kept watch on us. But still we put several overboard. We had cast anchor, and let off steam before the health officer came aboard, so we got up steam and steamed outside the harbor, where they supplied our needs to carry us to Key West, Florida, where the well ones were put ashore on Sand Key, where the government has a light house, and where a vessel was procured for a hospital for the sick. The cholera abated after we were put ashore. Afterwards they chartered a vessel to go to Havana after coal and another crew and the vessel was fumigated. We took our departure for New York without any further mishap. After our return we made our home with father and mother, as they intended

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going east on a visit and left me in charge of the farm while they were away. I also improved my farm which was close by and which was bought with money sent home while in California. It contained 200 acres to which additions were made until it contained 400 acres. They were gone several months; in the meantime I had not been idle as I formed the acquaintance of my future partner of my joys and sorrows, and on May 5, 1853, Ingaba T. Ebbert and I were married by the Rev. Hugh Gibson of the M.E. church, and went to housekeeping soon after on the same place where we raised our numerous family.

Our first house was a hewed log and weatherboarded, story and a half, with but one large room below and one above. There was a small improvement of 15 acres in cultivation. There was no stable, but a garden was fenced in with paling and no fruit trees on the place. I bought five yoke of oxen and broke the most of the prairie, sowed it in wheat in the fall and raised a large crop which brought one dollar per bushel. Thus we started on our new home. We had a family of 12 children, eleven of whom grew to manhood and womanhood; are married and gone to homes of their own, and are widely scattered. Their names are as follows: Mary A. E., Hugh G., Catherine Bell, Rose E., George C.,Williams S., dead, Lida N., John H., James E., Allie J., Charles R., and Robert B. We gave them a liberal education in the high schools and colleges to fit them to take up their duties in life, and we shall take them up in their order when we get through with brothers and sisters.

Shortly after marriage I began to take an active part in county and state affairs and was honored by the republican party to represent them in the county and state conventions and in filling the office of township trustee and justice of the peace for several terms, and received the nomination for county supervisor, but was defeated by a few votes on the bridge issue. During the civil war was chosen captain of the Bonaparte Home guards and received my commission from Governor Kirkwood. Was also interested in the county agricultural society and was a director for many years and afterwards became its president for two terms. Was also honored with the presidency of the Van Buren Pioneer society and was also called to fill the various offices of the M. E. church. Was delegate to several annual conferences of the church, to elect delegates to the general conference. While in Bentonsport was elected alderman and then mayor of the city. Was justice of the peace while we remained there. We spent three winters there on account of school advantages and elected that as our home, but spent the summers on the farm. We kept up two houses at that time and did not have much moving to do. As regards our business career, we carried on farming, stock raising, and stall-feeding cattle for the market; employed a good deal of help on the farm. We also had other interests. Brother Sloan and I bought the one-half of the Bentonsport flouring mills in 1868 and operated it for a number of years at a great loss to me, and sold or traded it off for Texas lands about 1878. As I was the owner of the mills, the other parties were unable to contribute their share of the loss.

About 1881, we formed a co-partnership under the firm name of Keck & Greef and engaged in the creamery business at Bentonsport, which we operated a few years at a heavy loss and closed down and sold out. I had owned the building previous. It had been a paper mill and needed some changes. It is now operated as a flouring mill. The old mill was burned down about that time. My great losses were in the co-partnership business. If I had confined myself to farming and stock feeding we would be better off than we are. We also engaged in buying and shipping stock to the different markets for about 25 years, but quit it

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in 1884 and have not shipped any stock since, as it was too hard on me at my time of life. In 1899 I was honored to represent Van Buren county in the 28th general assembly of the state of Iowa. In 1856, I joined the Masonic order at Bentonsport and some years later became a member of the chapter at Bonaparte, and also a Knight Templar of the commandery at Keosauqua; was a delegate to the grand chapter and also of the grand commandery at Waterloo, Iowa, a few years ago. I gave up the management of the [farm] which I retain, and keep stock to consume what is raised on the farm to by son, J. B., with the exception of the pasture land farm. We have taken outings every year for many years, east and west, mostly west, to Kansas, Nebraska, California, and Texas, to places where we have relatives and enjoyed getting away from the busy cares of life for a season.

Catherine Ann Keck, daughter of Henry Keck and Mary A. Hardin, was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., on the Keck homestead, Jan. 14, 1830. She attended the schools at Greensburg and vicinity until she came to Iowa. She was of delicate constitution in her girlhood and was subject to the physic until she grew to womanhood. She came to Iowa with her parents in 1846 and was married to Mahlon B. Moore Feb. 17, 1848, who was born in Wilmington, Ind, March 8, 1821. Unto them were born five children as follows: Johnson Moore, in Iowa, Jan. 11, 1849; Lizzie Teeter Moore, in Iowa, May 23, 1856; Anna M. Moore, born in Iowa, Sept. 18, 1854; Henry K. Moore, born in Columbus, Iowa, August 26, 1852, died Sept. 20, 1854; Mahlon G. Moore, born in Portland, Oregon, Feb. 25, 1866, died March 21, 1867. After their marriage they set up housekeeping on his father's place where he farmed and taught school in the winter until the spring of 1850, when he went to California with four of his brothers and came back during the winter of 1851. She stayed at her father's while he was absent. They moved on the farm which he purchased, where the town of Columbus formerly stood. They remained there a year when they moved to a smaller farm, one mile east of Utica. In 1853, he clerked in the Seth Richards store in Bentonsport, where he moved in 1854, and stayed there until 1861, when he moved onto his father's place, one and one-half miles west of Bentonsport, where they remained one year. In April 1862, they emigrated to Auburn, Oregon, then to Idaho City, where Anna M., and Lizzie T. were married. He was probate judge for several years. His parents were Robert and Elizabeth Powel Moore. He was licensed to preach as a local preacher; was never strong and rugged; was over six feet in height. He died Jan. 1, 1885, in Idaho City, and was interred there. His wife lives with her daughter, Lizzie Sisk, on a ranch near Van Wick, Idaho.

Johnson Moore, their son, married Celeste Porter in Malthem, Ore., June 20, 1875, and they have three [ten] children. They live in Tempe, Ariz. The names of the children of Johnson Moore are as follows: John M., George H., Fred F., Arthur F., Minnie M., Benjamin, Robert T., Mark A., Catherine Ann, and Amanda. He has been living a number of years in the hottest state in the union.

Lizzie T. Moore was married to Stephen Sisk, Dec. 3, 1874. To them were born four children: three are living. Mable married B. M. Whitley; Catherine married Wm. Lynch. They have three children. Mrs. Moore is afflicted a great deal with rheumatism.

Anna M. Moore was married to Rev. Wm. G. Simpson, of the M.E. church, at Idaho City, July 12, 1877. To them were born five children. They are on a work [?] in Scranton, Pa.

Wm. G. Simpson, son of Peter Simpson, was born in Scotland, Nov. 4, 1850; came to America in 1869. In July 1873, he enlisted in the 2d

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U.S. Cavalry, was discharged from the army by order of President Grant, to enter the Methodist ministry, April 4, 1875. Unto them were born five children, namely: Iliff, born April 30, 1878 in Boise City, Idaho; Anna V., born Jan. 5, 1883 in Virginia City, Nevada, died __ 14, 1883; Mahlon C., born Feb. 29, 1884 in Eugene, Oregon; Robert Fulton, born Jan. 15, 1891, in Elizabeth, N.J.; Kentworthy, born March 22, 1894 in Oxford, N.Y., dead.

George W. Keck, son of Henry Keck and Mary Ann Hardin, was born in Pennsylvania, near Greensburg, March 3, 1832. Received his education in the public schools in Greensburg and part in Iowa; with his parents in the spring of 1846 came to Iowa. He went overland to California with his brothers Henry and J. S. in the summer of 1852 and was engaged in mining on the American river for quite a while. He then owned a ranch on the Sacramento river near Freeport, where he engaged in farming, but the river overflowed its banks and ruined his crops for several years, when they formed a company and threw up embankments to prevent the overflow, but the assessments were so high he was unable to carry them and lost the farm. At one time he was elected state lecturer for the order of I.O.O.F. and traveled over the state. He was unfortunate in business and is now in reduced circumstances. He has lost the use of one of his eyes, and the other is not good. He still lives at Freeport, keeping batch. He was the only one of the family unmarried. He never married and is now a lonely man. He returned to Iowa on a visit in 1869, and remained a few months, but was not contented after living so long in California. He met a cousin, George Keck, in California, and they were together for quite a while. He was a son of Joseph Keck of Greenville, Pa., who returned to Pennsylvania and died in Pittsburgh in 1873.

John Sloan Keck, son of Henry Keck and Mary Ann Hardin, was born Oct.12, 1834, one-half mile east of Greensburg, Pa., and came to Iowa in 1846. His education was had in the public schools. He remained at home until the spring of 1852; he crossed the plains to California with his brothers Henry and George, where he remained some six years. On returning home he engaged in farming on his father's farm in Lee county until the fall of 1861, when he enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavalry for three years and served until the close of the war; was promoted to 1st lieutenant of Company G, and was a good and brave soldier. After returning home he went to farming until 1868, when he bought a fourth interest in the Bentonsport flouring mills, failed in business, and went to Texas for one year. He was married to Mary Hancock, daughter of Hon. Fred Hancock. Unto them were born eight children as follows: Louis Keck, Harry, Una H., Paul, Fred, Joseph K., Carl, and Katie. After returning from Texas he engaged in farming near Bentonsport, which he followed until his death which occurred Nov. 29, 1892. His family removed in 1897 to Flandreau, S. D., where they are prospering. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge in Bentonsport and also a member of the G. A. R. in Vernon. He had been in poor health for quite a while with an affection of the throat and. stomach before his death. He was a man that had the respect of all who knew him and held the office of township clerk at his death.

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Peter R. Keck, son of Henry Keck and Mary Ann Hardin, was born near Greensburg, Pa., Nov. 21, 1836; came to Van Buren county, Iowa, with his parents in 1846. Had his education in the district schools and in the Iowa Wesleyan University where he graduated in the scientific department in 1860. Was teaching school in Missouri at the commencement of the civil war; gave up his school and enlisted in the 4th Iowa Cavalry, Company G, Oct. 6, 1861; enlisted for three years; veteraned and served until the close of the war. Was promoted from the ranks to second lieutenant. After his return he engaged in teaching in the school at Bentonsport and farming some. As boy or man he always wished to excel, either in work or play, and was apt to get there. He was married in Bentonsport to Mary L. Green, Sept. 5, 1867. Unto them were born seven children as follows: Leroy M., Clayton W., Edna W., Leslie, Hugh B., Bertha C., and Bessie. They had two pairs of twins. He made his home with his mother in Bentonsport until he married, when he purchased the Moore farm one and one-half miles west of Bentonsport, where he remained until August 1893, when he bought the Colton farm in Oakland, and on Sept. 5, 1898, moved to Des Moines on account of educating and being with his children. He now holds a position with the N.W. Life and Trust Co. He has been afflicted of late years with rheumatism. Hugh B. Keck, his son, is cashier of the National Life and Trust Co., at Topeka; Edna is stenographer for the same company in Des Moines, while Bertha is still at school. Mrs. P. R. Keck's health is not good. She is afflicted with throat trouble.

Jane Mary Keck, daughter of Henry Keck and Mary Ann Hardin, was born near Greensburg, Pa., Dec. 8, 1838. She came with her parents to Iowa in the spring of 1846. She received her education in the district schools in Iowa; was married to Henry P. Gilbert, Dec. 8, 1856, in Lee county, Iowa, at the home of her parents, who then lived on the Lee county poor farm. Unto them were born five children, as follows: Florence, born Nov. 10, 1857, died August 18, 1865; Henrietta, born Jan. 24, 1860; George H, born July 3, 1867; Sloan K., born Dec. 22, 1870; May Catherine, born Nov. 14, 1872. H. P. Gilbert had a farm one and a half miles east of Bentonsport, where they commenced housekeeping and where they raised their family and where they remained until the spring of 1888, when they removed to Oakley, Kansas, where they and the children took up homesteads and where Jane M. Gilbert died of paralysis or heart failure, Jan. 26, 1893. They made a bad move when they moved to Kansas, as they left a good home for a poor one, as Kansas is too uncertain, too dry for successful farming. They have all left to seek their fortunes elsewhere. Henrietta married her cousin, Frank Gilbert, Jan. 1, 1889. To them were born two children, Veleria and Eva; they live in Atchison, Kansas, where he has a grocery store. George Gilbert married Eva Mingler, March 1895, they have no children; postoffice, Clarendon, Texas; Sloan K., married Bird Rogers, Oct. 8, 1896; postoffice, Kansas City. May C., married Melvin Yates, July 3, 1894; born to them Mildren E., postoffice, 409 W. Wintah street [Colorado Springs].

Sophia E. Keck, daughter of Henry Keck and Mary Ann Hardin, was born near Greensburg, Pa., Nov. 10, 1840; came to Van Buren county, Iowa, with her parents in 1846. She had her education an the public schools in Iowa. She moved with her parents to Lee county in 1856, where she was married to Wm. Kerr, Nov. 7, 1860. To them were born

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seven children, namely: Henry Milton born June 17, 1862; Oliver, born Sept. 12, 1864; Mary Eliza, born Oct. 2, 1867; Sarah Catherine, born Dec. 1, 1870; Margaret J., born April 1, 1873; Emma L., born Dec. 8, 1874; Florence, born Sept. 18, 1877. They went to housekeeping on his mother's farm south of Franklin, where they remained a number of years and then bought a small farm one mile south of Donnelson where they still remain. They had their barn burned while he was at the world's fair in Chicago and met with quite a loss. He is a carpenter by trade, but devotes most of his time to farming. His health has not been good for some years.

Henry M. married Mary Hill. To them were born two children, namely: Ruby and Hazel. He was agent for the C.B. & Q. for a number of years at Donnelson, then at Carrollington, Mo. He is now traveling agent at Hannibal, Mo. He is a good business man and a Christian.

Mary married Henry Scott and they live near Donnellson, Iowa. They have no children. The rest are still single at home, except Oliver, who is agent and postmaster at Moor, where the powder mills are located.

Lida B. Keck, daughter of Henry Keck and Mary Ann Hardin, was born near Greensburg, Pa., Nov. 7, 1842. She came to Iowa with her parents in 1846. She was married to Joseph H. Ralston in Placerville, Idaho, Sept. 5, 1865. Unto them were born five children as follows: Henry, born in Idaho, July 27, 1866, died Sept. 9, 1830; in San Jose, Cal.; Emile, born April 6, 1870 in Idaho; Mable, born June 28, 1874 in Idaho, died April 24, 1875 in Bentonsport; Meta, born March 7, 1877 at Bentonsport; Dollant M., born June 21, 1870 in San Jose, California.

Lida B. Keck Ralston received her education in the public schools and in the Iowa Wesleyan University at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and then taught school for a number of terms, and in the spring of 1864, went to Placerville, Idaho, where her sister Catherine Moore was then living and remained there until 1873 when they returned to Iowa and bought property in Bentonsport, where she remained until the fall of 1877. On account of family troubles she then took her baby Meta, and went to San Jose, California, where she bought a home and where she still resides with her children. She and her husband separated in 1891. He resides in San Francisco. He squandered his fortune in riotous living and is now penniless. The children received a good education and the girls are now teaching school. Emile is a painter and has a good business. Mrs. Ralston came to Iowa for a visit in 1900 and remained several months. She is a very small woman. What she lacks in size, she makes up in energy. She is a good Christian woman and has had her full share of trouble.

Dollant Ralston married ? April 2, 18??, postoffice, Melville, Montana. [Lost on photocopy] Family history of children of J. A. Keck and Ingaba T. Ebbert.

Mary A.E. Keck was the first born. She was born Feb. 17, 1854, on the homestead one and one-half miles east of Utica. She obtained her education in the public schools and the Iowa Wesleyan University at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; was married to Chas. E. Daugherty, of Mt. Pleasant,

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Dec. 12, 1871, by Rev. Cleaver, his uncle. To them were born three children as follows: George F. born March 1, 1873; William Joseph, born August 19, 1874; Bertram E., born August 5, 1876. All the children were born in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Chas. E. Daugherty, the father, was born April 12, 1850. His parents were W.F. Daugherty and Harriet Johnson. They set up housekeeping in Mt. Pleasant soon after marriage and he worked at the cabinet maker's trade with his father for many years. Went to railroading on the C.B. & Q. until after the strike in 1888, when they came to the home of her parents and engaged in farming which he followed until the spring of 1895. His father wanted him to go into the piano and organ trade with him, when he sold off his stock and farm utensils and moved to Mt. Pleasant where he remained until 1900, when they sold out and he engaged to Mr. Guest as traveling salesman in the same business. Wm. J. Daugherty, their son, took a commercial course at I.B.C. and secured a position in the Equitable of Iowa Life Insurance Company in 1894 and is still with the company as traveling agent. He lives in Des Moines and has a nice home. He married Florence E. Miller June 1, 1899. She was born May 16, 1878; was a school teacher. They are both active workers in the church and he is a good business man and has done much to help his friends get into positions in the city. Bert E. Daugherty was married to Edith Jones of Bonaparte, Dec. 24, 1898, while she was teaching school. After her term was out she went to Des Moines where he was at work and commenced housekeeping. He is at work in the same office with his brother, W.J. They have one daughter, Mildred Sylvia, born August 9, 1899; his wife was born July 3, 1879.

Hugh Gibson Keck, son of J.A. Keck and I.T. Ebbert, was born in Van Buren county, Iowa, Sept. 7, 1855. He received his education in the district schools and the high school at Mt. Pleasant; remained on the farm until of age, taught school one term and then went to Kansas to look for a homestead in 1877, and remained there one summer at Larned. He returned and was married to Miss Ada May Tucker August 25, 1878 by Rev. C.W. Shepherd. She was born March 21, 1860. A short time after their marriage, Sept. 1878, they started for Kansas with a two-horse wagon and settled near Jetmore, Kansas, on their homesteads, but the seasons were so dry they could not make a living and sold out and moved to Dodge City, Kansas, and built a home for them, and he worked a while at the carpenter's trade and also clerked in a store. He then went into the transfer business. His health was not good. He moved to Minturn, Colorado, about 1893, where he worked in the round house of the D. & R.G. where he continued until 1897, when they lost their house by fire. They rebuilt the house in 1897 on a larger scale and kept boarders and roomers as Minturn was a division of the railroad. They had $500 insurance on the house and still owned their house in Dodge City, Kansas, and had it rented. He never was stout and rugged, inclined to be scrofulous. We visited them in the fall of 1895; they live on the banks of the Eagle river, a beautiful mountain stream; the town is surrounded by high mountains. They had five children: namely Joseph Curtis, born Nov. 23, 1879, he died Aug. 28, 1893; Hugh Renold, born Nov. 4, 1881; Carrie May, born Jan. 26, 1884; Mina Rose, born June 16, 1886; Jessie Joe, born Oct. 5, 1890, died June 13, 1892. Their oldest son was a great affliction for them, he was not right in his mind and they could not get him into the asylum. The other children living secured a good education, in part away from home.

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Catherine Bell Keck, the third child, was born Feb. 12, 1857, near Utica. She received her education in the district schools and in the I.W.U. in Mt. Pleasant. She was married to Robert E. Ely, Oct. 14, 1875, by her father, a justice of the peace. R.E. Ely was born Oct. 14, 1854. To them were born five children as follows: Herbert E. Ely, born March 16, 1878, died March 19, 1878; Daisy Bell, born, March 31, 1879, still born; Harold E., born March 16, 1881; Raymond E., born June 18, 1882; Mary Ingaba, born Nov. 1, 1884. His parents were John W. Ely and Mary Edwards. All of the children were born on the home farm where they went to housekeeping on his father's farm; afterwards bought part of the farm and later added 200 acres to his original purchase and where they remained until the spring of 1901, when he sold out and moved to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he purchased a home in the city. He received part of his education at the I.W.U. and taught in the district schools for many years, during the winter term. He held the office of assessor, town clerk, and justice of the peace, he also received the nomination for county auditor and county superintendent of schools on the democratic ticket; but his party was in the minority and was defeated both times, but he ran ahead of the ticket. He has always been a democrat and his father before him. They have always taken an active part in the Methodist Episcopal church, league, and has been superintendent of the Sunday school for many years, and a useful member of society. Their son, Harold, finished his education by taking a commercial course in Des Moines Capital college, after which he got a position as clerk in the office of the Town Mutual Dwelling House Fire Insurance Company. He was married to Stella Johnson, July 10, 1901, by the Rev. Dickinson and went to housekeeping in Des Moines. He holds a good position and is well liked. The other son, Raymond, started in the Keosauqua schools in Sept. 1899, and had to quit on account of sickness. He has got so behind in his studies that he does not care to go any more. Their daughter, Mary, was in the Des Moines city school about one year and since her parents moved to Mt. Pleasant she came home and is now taking a commercial course.

Rose Ella Keck, the third daughter of J.A. and I.T. Keck, was born March 2, 1858; received her education in the district schools, high school, and college at Mt. Pleasant. She was organist for the M.E. church several years. She was married to Zachary Taylor Easter Sept. 20, 1881, by Rev. J.W. Wright. Z.T. Easter was born May 24, 1847. His parents were Jeremiah Easter and Mary Ebbert. They went to Chicago where he had a position as manager of the telephone company, where they commenced housekeeping. In April 1882, they returned to Iowa and entered in co-partnership with George C. Keck, to run the home farm. The stock and machinery was invoiced and they were to have one-half of the profits. In July he sold out to George C. Keck and moved to Sumner county, Kans., where he bought 80 acres of land with improvements, three miles west of Milan. After a few years he rented the farm and moved to Anthony, Kans., sold out and moved back to the farm. In March 1897, he rented the farm and moved back to Iowa and stayed during the crop season with her parents. In the summer of 1898, they moved to Farmington, Washington state, but finding no opening there he came back in the fall of 1899 and rented the farm of George Israel for one year.

George Conrad Keck, the second son of J.A. and I.T. Keck, was born Oct. 24, 1859. While a babe in the cradle he was near death's door with bowel trouble and some years afterwards he had lung fever, at

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different times, which brought him so low, that at one time we thought he was dead. But afterwards he became strong and rugged. He had his education in the public schools and went to the high school in Mt. Pleasant, and also in the I.W.U., after which he taught school one term. He was married to Emma _ Anderson, April 18, 1882, by Rev. J.W. Wright at Selma, Iowa. She was born April 18, 1861. Her parents were Wm. Anderson and Frances E. Brown. They went to housekeeping on the Keck homestead, after his marriage he rented the farm of his father to run it on the shares, each to furnish his quota of stock and each to get one-half of the profits. He met with heavy losses in stock and it was a losing proposition for him, so in June 1884, he threw up the contract and in July following he moved to Nebraska, settled in Bradshaw, engaged in the livery business and dealt also in coal and grain. In the cyclone that visited that place about 1889, he lost what he had and returned to Iowa to the home of his parents in the winter of 1890. In the spring of 1891, he and his family went with his father to Texas, where be bought 640 acres of unimproved land and settled on it, 6 miles south of Tulia, the county seat of Swisher county, in the panhandle of Texas, where he still resides. He has leased two more sections of land adjoining and has the use of his father's section for grazing. He has a good start in the cattle business. He farms some to procure feed for the cattle in the winter time. They had five children born to them, namely: Katie Kleo , born dead Feb. 2, 1883; Earl Greef, born April 24, 1884; Maple Ingaba, born March 12, 1886; Fanny Joe, born Aug. 8, 1890; Viola, born May 1899, died Oct. 13, 1899. Earl G. is going to school at Good Night, Texas, on the Denver & Ft. Worth railroad. He speaks highly of the school or college. George C. Keck received the nomination on the republican ticket for representative in his district for the Texas legislature, but the republicans are largely in the minority and he stood no show of election.

Lida Narcissa Keck, fourth daughter of J.A. and I.T. Keck was born May 8, 1864. She had her education in the Bentonsport and Keosauqua high schools, afterwards taught school in Lee county, Iowa. She was a small woman but quick and full of energy. She was married to Delbert A. Jack Oct. 23, 1882, by Rev. L. Carroll at the home of her parents in Bentonsport. D.A. Jack was born May 1, 1860. His parents were D.W. Jack and Elizabeth Hart. They went to housekeeping in Bentonsport and he was a clerk in his father's store; afterwards for Robinson & Co., of the same place and a few years afterwards opened out a store of his own in Bentonsport and bought a home. In a few years he sold out his store to Booth & Co., and started in the furniture and hardware business in the same place, but moved with his family to Vernon, on the opposite side of the river. He soon afterwards sold out his business to George Demple and in the fall of 1891, they moved to Florence, Colorado, where he bought out Mr. Wilbur in the grocery store and he and his brother Edward engaged in the grocery trade and bought a lot for one thousand dollars on which they erected a fine business block, the best in the city at that time, which was a good investment. In 1894, they sold out their business to Mr. Wilbur, the man they had bought out, and about a year afterwards they opened out a Racket store, in the same place, and each built a residence. They enlarged their store to embrace dry goods and boots and shoes, which they also sold out to an incorporated company, but held the largest amount of stock. They had a family of seven children, namely:

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Lendell O., born July 26, 1883; Glenwood W., born Nov. 6, 1884; Ethel Joe, born Nov. 5, 1888, died Jan. 24, 1890 in Bentonsport; Mary Elizabeth, born June 22, 1887; Lora Ingaba, born Sept. 18, 1890; Eva Bessie, born Feb. 2, 1892; Edwin Lee, born July 9, 1896. The children were all born in Bentonsport, but Eva B., and Edwin L. They have the best of school privileges in Florence and the children will be educated. The parents are active members of the Presbyterian church and belong to the choir. They are both good singers. They have been very successful in business. He is now city treasurer and also of the schools. He is also a member of the Masonic order and bright in the work.

John Henry Keck, the third son of J.A. Keck, was born near Utica, Iowa, Jan. 12, 1866. He received his education in the Bentonsport school and at the age of 18 years his father gave him his time and he went to Nebraska and at Hampton got a position in a store and postoffice; was appointed postmaster afterwards. About 1887 went to railroading on the C.B.& Q, in Nebraska, where be became acquainted with a woman he afterwards married. She was a divorced woman, but he did not know of it until they were married. Their marriage in Nebraska not being legal, he quit the C.B.& Q. and went to Dodge City, Kans., where they were remarried by Judge D.K. Spaht on Sept. 25, 1890, and went to housekeeping in Dodge City. He secured a position as brakeman on the A.T.& S.F. road running west where he remained until the strike on that road. He went out on the strike arid never got back. He bought a farm of 160 acres on the Arkansas river bottom, in Ford county, Kans. some 20 miles east of Dodge City, and moved there in the fall of 1894, where they remained until Feb. 21, 1896, when they separated, she taking their daughter Norine, and went to Dodge City to Mrs. Hugh's. After the separation and disposing of their effects he went to Gillett, Colo., and engaged in the lumber trade with a man there and while he was at Colorado Springs looking after his divorce case, his partner sold out and skipped, leaving the debts unpaid. He secured his divorce in the summer of 1897. He then went to St. Joseph, Mo., and went to work on the C.B.& Q. as brakeman, but had no regular run on the road. The father furnished the means to buy the farm and it was deeded to him and being deeply in debt he became disheartened and left for parts unknown. No one has heard from him since the spring of 1898, which will soon be five years. He was married to Anna B. Campbell, Sept. 27, 1890. She was born July 11, 1868. To them were born twins, Norine and Mauvine, on Dec. 5, 1892. Mauvine died Sept. 14, 1893, at Dodge City. Mrs. Keck was afterwards married in Illinois, and they separated after a very short time. The last we heard of her she went to her brother in Virgina who disowned her and would have nothing to do with her. She was a small woman, a kleptomaniac and untruthful, but was rather good looking. They visited us once during the winter of 1891 and 1892.

James Edson Keck, the fourth son of J.A. and I.T. Keck, was born Oct. 14, 1867; had his education in the Bentonsport school and took a commercial course in Elliott's Business college in Burlington and taught several terms of school. He is of a very sensitive nature. He got miffed at home while still in his minority and left home June 1887, until Nov. 1888; went west to Kansas, Colorado, and Nebraska and stayed a year or so, until November, when he came back and married and stayed with his parents the first winter and taught school. In the spring of 1890 they went to housekeeping in Pierceville, Iowa, and farmed for his

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father-in-law, Frank Lyon, one year, then moved on the Lyon farm for one year, then on the Dunn farm one year and then left for Gordon, Neb., in the spring of 1893, where he bought a farm. After her father's death, the year following, they came back and took charge of his farm for several years. In 1898 he bought Mr. John Lyon's farm and improved it by building a large barn, etc. His investment in Nebraska was not a success as the country is too dry for farming to be successful. After keeping it for a number of years he sold it as a loss of several hundred dollars. He was married to Mary May Lyon, Oct. 2, 1889, by Rev. T.S. Pool. She was born April 30, 1871. Her parents were Frank Lyon and Sarah Dunn. She also taught school before her marriage. To them wore born three children as follows: Joseph Frank Keck, born dead, Sept. 11, 1890; Opal Frances, born Nov. 3, 1891; Joy Vivian, born Oct. 11, l896. They are fine, bright girls. He not having land enough to keep what stock he wanted to keep, rented ground of his father. The years 1900 and 1901, he rented the farm of his father, all but the pasture land and done very well. He has taken an active part in politics, was candidate for the office of county auditor in l898, but did not get the nomination.

Allie Josephine Keck, youngest daughter of J.A. and I.T. Keck, was born Sept. 1, 1870; was educated in the schools of Burlington, Ottumwa, and at the Iowa Wesleyan university at Mt. Pleasant, where she had to drill in a military company, a military officer of the U.S. in charge. After leaving college she taught school for several years and was very well received wherever she taught. She was married to Paul. V. Thorniley, Jan. 12, 1892, by Rev. Richard Breeden, at the parsonage in Bentonsport. They took in Des Moines on their wedding tour, after which he rented his father's farm of 200 acres, where they remained until the winter of 1896, when he made preparations to go to the Klondike, and went in the following spring. She taught school, and in the summer of 1898 started for Dawson City to join her husband. They spent the first winter on the Upper Dominion, where he and his partner had a claim. In 1899 they returned to Dawson City, where she built a house of her own means, and did work for a doctor and a merchant for $75.00 per month, and afterwards she worked in a restaurant at $l00.00 per month and board. In 1901 she cooked for sixteen men on the claim and received $l50.00 per month and board. He was born Aug. 13, 1870.

Charles Randall Keck, fifth son of J.A. and I.T. Keck, was born Aug. 29, 1872; had his education in the schools and Bentonsport and Mt. Pleasant; attended Commercial college in Des Moines in Dec. 1892, but did not finish his course until a year later, when he also took short hand. About the time he got through his Commercial course was during the hard times, when a great many were curtailing their help, and it was difficult to get a position in Des Moines at living wages, but he kept at trying till he succeeded in getting a good position with the Equitable Life and Trust Co., where he stayed until the new company was formed. They offered him more wages than the company he was with paid him, and he entered the employ of the National Life and Trust Co., as cashier, the same position he filled with the other company. He now receives $1500 per year. He was the first in the employ of the company, and it has grown so that there are now some twenty employed by the same company. He is held in high

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esteem by all, is conscientious and reliable and attends strictly to business. He was married to Maude E. Wherry Aug. 8, 1899, by James Duff, in Pennsylvania. She was born Aug. 8, 1873. Her parents were Robert Wherry and Maria Nixon.

Unto Charles and Maude Keck were born a daughter April 11, 1902.

Robt. Ray Keck, youngest son of J.A. and I.T. Keck, was born July 22, 1876; was married to Myrtle Lyon Sept. 26, 1899, by Rev. E.J. Smith in Bentonsport. She was born Oct. 4, 1875. Her parents were F. Lyon and Sarah Dunn. He had his education in the schools of Bentonsport and at the college in Mt. Pleasant. It was his intention to take a course in electrical engineering while at school in Mt. Pleasant, but he had a very severe attack of pneumonia and was brought down very low and had to give up his studies for that year. He then went to Des Moines and took a Commercial course. He then went into the wholesale house of Harbach & Co., furniture, for one year, after which this firm sent him out on the road as traveling salesman, which place he filled until a short time before his marriage. He then went into co-partnership with Stonebreaker in Lake City, in furniture and undertaking. He remained in the business two years, when they sold out, July 1901, and he bought a store in Villisca, Iowa. He studied and passed a good examination in undertaking and embalming, and received his diplomas. He attends strictly to business and is held in high esteem wherever he goes and is doing a thriving business in Villisca. His wife is a great help to him in his business. She had good taste and is handy in every way.

Henry Keck, son of Henry Keck and Elizabeth Klingensmith, was born Dec. 4, 1823 in Mercer county, Pa., near Greenville. He had his education in the public schools in and around Greensburg, Pa.; was married to Mary Nixon, of Fayette county, Pa., Dec. 13, 1855, by Rev. I.P. Teeter, in Van Buren county at Winchester, Iowa. To them were born five children namely: Ella J., born Oct. 30, 1856, died May 22, 1865; Anna Bell, born Aug. 20, 1858; Elma E., born Feb. 10, 1862; Sallie C., born Aug. 27, 1863; Henry Judson, born Aug. 1, 1866. The mother died Feb. 7, 1899. Henry Keck, Sr., went to Mercer county, Pa. in 1822 to help move his brother John from Westmoreland county, Pa., and while there formed an alliance with Miss Elizabeth Klingensmith, daughter of John Klingensmith, and the fruit of this union was a son named Henry Keck. There was some family trouble and they separated. The care of the child was given to the father, who placed it in the care of his aunt, Catharine Keck Everhart, who took care of him until he was about three years of age, when his father took him to Westmoreland county, Pa. The mother afterwards married Mr. Skilman and moved west, and they are lost trace of. The father was married three years after and took his son home and he was raised up with the family.

About the age of 18, he went to learn the cabinet trade with his uncle, Boise, in Greensburg. After learning the trade he went to Cincinnati, Ohio where he clerked in the store of his uncles Geo. Keck and Wm. Shaffer. He came to Iowa the fall of 1849, and 1850 he crossed the plains to California and returned in the winter of 1851; returning the next spring with his brothers George and Sloan, he remained there until the summer of 1855, when he returned and bought his father's farm

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and married, and settled down to farming and stock raising and has been successful.

Anna Bell Keck married C.W. Easter Jan. 31, 1878. Their children are Henry, Joseph, Frank, James M., and Mary J. Sallie C. Keck married John Dodds, Dec. 21, 1881. Four children were born to them: Harry, Mary, Ralph L., and Donald. Elmer E. married Julia Wilmoth, Nov. 24, 1895. They have two children, Rex V. Keck and Fred E. Keck. Henry Judson married Jennie Teal, Aug. 5, 1884. Their four children are Iva B., Otto J., Carl L., and the babe, Warren.

Now in conclusion, we are under obligations to uncle John Keck for the early history of the Keck family, and also to L.L. Keck of Greenville, Pa., for the history of the Mercer county families of George Keck, of the five sons and one daughter, who settled there at the close of the last century. Also I.J. Keck, of Clarion, Pa., for the history of the family of Philip Keck, a son of George and Catharine Keck, who settled in Clarion county, Pennsylvania, at an early date. We spent much time and research in gathering together what we have, and now will dedicate this work to the Keck family in the United States of America. Trusting that some one of the tribe will take an interest, and carry on the work we are

Yours truly,

Stockport News Print Stockport, IOWA
